FREE Land Academy Contest w Jill DeWit (JD 009)- Land Academy

FREE Land Academy Contest with Jill DeWit (JD 009)

FREE Land Academy Contest with Jill DeWit (JD 009)


Jill DeWit:            Hello and welcome. This is episode nine. I am so excited and happy to be here. This show is all about getting started in real estate by flipping the easiest type of property, land. And today, I’m gonna talk about how to complete your first deal in 45 days. And this is part two of two. I am extra excited for today because if you hang on to the very end, I have a special announcement of I’m gonna give away a whole program, Land Academy 1.0 and 2.0 for free. And I’ve never done this before, by the way. So this is a big deal. So hang on to the end and I will tell you all the details and how you can enter. It’s gonna be a drawing and it’s gonna be easy. And I’m very excited.

I am Jill DeWit, co founder of Land Academy. And together with my partner, Steven Jack Butala, we have completed close to 16,000 transactions. We all know that there’s money to be made in real estate. And most people are doing it wrong. And that is why I created this weekly live show. So every Wednesday at two o’clock pacific time, I am here to help you connect the dots and get started flipping land so you can move on to bigger transactions and other types of real estate.

Today is all about getting your first deal done in 45 days. So after I cover the steps, I’m gonna open this up to your questions. So feel free to start loading them into the common area at any time. I’ll circle back around and I’ll answer them.

One of the advantages of being a land and property investor is not only being able to buy property from anywhere, be anywhere, but I get to make my own schedule. So that means that myself, and you, one person … You could do this with a full-time career and still enjoy family time. And that’s how most of us got started. So what this show is, is part two of two explaining how you can do this in a realistic timeline if you really only have, I don’t know, three or four hours on a weekend. So if you didn’t watch last week, you want to go back and catch that one.

I covered weeks one, two, and three. And here’s what they are. Week one, all you have to do is sit down, and focus, and thinking about picking a county to send offers. And I went into more detail on that last week so you can go back and listen there. And then in our program we go into great detail about really what we look for to pick a good county. Week two, you should just be spending a couple hours on a weekend downloading and scrubbing data and then getting it sent to a printer for mailing. That’s it. And then week three is calls are coming back. You’re getting offers returned. Week three is about reviewing those returned offers and returning phone calls. So now, starting right here, we’re on week four. And what’s week four? Purchase the properties. So by now, you’ve done your due diligence. That was week three and you isolated the best properties to purchase. So that means that you not only picked out the properties that had all the four A’s so you know that they have access, acreage, affordability, and some special attribute. Those are our four A’s. But they also meet whatever your specific buying criteria is. And you also confirmed that all the parties are available and ready to sell. Basically, I say, AKA, they’re alive and ready to sign. So now is the time to buy.

So here you are, week four. Well, how do you do this? There’s two ways you’re gonna do this. You can either do a self-close, or we call it a notary close. Or the second way is you can do a traditional escrow close. So let me give you a little more explanation on the two different ones.

To self-close, what you’re gonna do is you’re going to arrange a notary that’s local to your seller to handle the signing and the delivery of the payment. You’re gonna use the vesting deed, which is the most recent deed that you would’ve downloaded online or maybe you got it from the seller, you would use the vesting deed to recreate your own new deed. And you’re gonna overnight that along with the cashier’s check to the notary. And they’re gonna complete the deed and hand in the payment at the time of signing. Of course, there’s all kinds of other forms of payment and more ways you can do this. But I’m just kinda talk about it in its simplest, easiest form for what we’re doing right now.

One good tip I want to always remember and make sure you know is once that deed is signed, you own the property. It’s important to know that because you could start marketing it and selling it right away. So usually when I’m doing this notary close, I would have the notary take a photograph of it for me and text it to me. And I see it, I know it’s coming to me. In the mail. I’m watching the tracking. And man, I could post that thing for sale right now. Because I technically own it. It doesn’t have to be recorded, just once it’s signed and notarized. So then the last piece of course is the notary completes that and they send it right back to you and then you send it for the county for recording. So that’s basically the steps of doing a self-close or a notary close.

So now the other type is just kind of doing a traditional escrow close. So what do you do that? First, call around for the best price. Let them know that you’re an investor. Let them know you’re gonna be doing multiple transactions like this. Make sure you tell the escrow representative this is all cash … and no inspections, and not contingencies. This is the easiest type of close to complete. They love it. You love it. They’re doing the work for you. And it usually takes days instead of weeks to do this type of a close.

So that’s it. So that was your week four. You spent a four hours buying a property and by the end of that, now you own it. So now we’re going into week five. Alright. Week five, what’s that all about? That is to market, to sell your property all over the internet. Because remember I mentioned, once the deed’s signed, you, the grantee, you now own the asset. So where do you want to market and sell your property? Well, the easiest way, of course, that’s online. What you wanna do is you want to start with one great posting to showcase your property and you want to copy that posting everywhere. So I’m gonna show you real quick here what your posting should include.

So your posting should include photos. And I don’t want just three photos of the area. I want some good photos. If you can get someone on that property and spend $50 get them to go out there, that’s what you want to do. And give them a list of shoot it north, shoot it south, shoot it east, shoot it west. I don’t want snow on the ground. I want blue sky with puffy white clouds. I want really quality photos. That’s what you’re aiming for here. I want maps, I want GPS coordinates, I want a video. And if it’s a quality property or a high dollar property, pay the extra … make sure he can do drone shots and get him to do a drone shot of your property. It’s worth the money. If you’re selling a $15,000 property, having a drone shot and awesome photos is gonna make a huge difference.

A description of the property with details about the access. Utilities, if any. And if you don’t know or if there are not property utilities there, note that. Say they need to be sought by another solution kind of thing. Don’t say at lot line if it really isn’t the lot line. You want to include the price. That’s important to have in there. And you want to include tax information. Tell not only if the taxes are current. Put that in there. Also give them an idea how much the annual taxes are so they know when they’re buying the property what to expect.

So basically you want to include everything that you Know about the property, a description of the area, why it’s a great opportunity, and extra information that you think they might need to know about the property and/or you. So if you want to see some great examples, go to the land pin, That is our Land Academy member selling site. We do have others on there, but it’s primarily our members posting property. And when you post property there, there’s a checklist. You kind of fill in all the blanks and it makes sure you don’t forget any of the details when you’re selling it.

So now you know what to put in your property posting. This is week five. Now you’re thinking about where all should I market my property? Well, let me show you, I have a list for you.

Here are all the places that you should be posting your for sale property.

First of all, your personal buyer’s list. It’s gonna start out small. But hang in there. After long you’re gonna have a really good A list of buyers and I usually blast that out to my buyers first. They kinda get first dibs. And I literally send them a spreadsheet with state, county APN, and my price. And they will immediately email me back and say, “I want numbers, one, two, six, and 10. And let’s do the same drill.” And I say, “Okay, got it.” And we have it down to a system. They just wire the money. I know how they like the deed prepared every time. And that’s how we do it.

So that’s one, the second, your website. The third place, social media. And I mean all over social media. We have a lot of members that are successful in places that you wouldn’t think about. Instagram, one. Facebook for sure. Instagram, there’s all kinds of things. Twitter, I mean I post a property for sale on Twitter. Why not? Get the word out there., still a great place to sell property. I wouldn’t want to put all my eggs in one basket, but this should be one of the places you post property. LandAndFarm, LandWatch, Craigslist, MLS, Zillow, Trulia, Realtor. Now most of these, too, I use a … I use … When I post things on MLS, I have a broker that I go through. And the feed, most of when you post something on MLS, most of them will be automatically fed up to many of these sites. You don’t have to think about it. And Bid4Assets. That’s not a crazy place to be posting property for sale. And you want to make a system. Don’t get picky and think this property’s perfect for Craigslist, this property’s perfect for eBay. That slows you down and keeps you from selling property quick. You just put it in the system and every property, your postings, follow that template. And every single property is posted all those 10 places. That’s how you sell it fast.

So this is the goal for this week now. This was week five. Your goal was just to spend a couple hours on the weekend creating that fantastic posting and putting it, copying it on all those places all over the internet. Your goal is to concentrate on driving traffic to your website where your customers can easily review the property and pay right online. That’s the goal. The right customer will do their homework, they will check out with a credit card, and leave it. And you will just wake up in the morning and see you have a completed sale. Nothing’s better than that.

So now, we are on week six. So week six of the whole thing here is sold. Sold the property. Thank the buyer and deposit the money. Hopefully you have it set up. If you’re new you may not have it set up yet. You can have them wire you money. Have them, gosh, send you a cashier’s check and just say, “Hey, I’ll pull the property down once it clears.” Whatever you arrange to do. And that’s the greatest thing on the planet. I want to say too it’s important not to get hung up on any details that are gonna keep you from buying or selling a property. Your website doesn’t have to be perfect and you don’t have to have an LLC this early in the process. It might be easiest, we tell a lot of our members, “Hey, just start out putting property in your name as you get going.” It’s okay to buy it and sell it in your name. And then get some payments coming in. And while you’re learning and building the business, and creating income, and make sure this is something you want to do. And then later on, you can invest in those things as you really take a step and grow your business. So that was it.

So this week was just spend a couple hours getting your payment in and processed. And getting your deed prepared and mailed to your buyer with information on how to transfer the property. And then the last thing you do on week six is celebrate. So now you have a simple timeline. One completed transaction. As you could see, I just went all through. A couple hours on a Sunday afternoon, still plenty of time to watch football and get this going. And hopefully you doubled your investment. So what do you next? Repeat. And if you can do one, you can do 10. And if you can do 10, you can do 100.

Thank you. I’m gonna open up now. I’m gonna still stick to my normal show. I’m gonna give some time to Q and A Time. Answer any questions you have about this, or getting started in land investing, or Land Academy. Dream it up. And then in a few minutes, I’m going to give an announcement about how you can win Land Academy 1.0 and 2.0 for free. So let me jump over here. I see questions loaded up so I am uber excited. Thank you very much. Alright.

Hi, Doug. Thank you very much. Doug says, “Hello, Jill. Happy to see you.” Hi, Doug, I’m happy to see you too. Teddy, nice to see you. Thank you. Alright. Let’s see. Alright. I have a question here from Jake. Hi, Jake. What do you think about a drive through video? I think this is a fantastic idea already. From a four wheeler using either GoPro cam or a 360 degree camera for the buyer to get the lay of the land? Jake, I can’t think of anything better. How cool would that be? Just to … For your … I mean, that’s probably the next thing. A drone, you’re coming in from the aerial and all that. But being there on the ground and kinda feeling it like almost getting to … So close to the trees you can almost smell them. And you see the dust rising up as you’re driving through your property. And you’re just … Talk about selling it to that person. I think that’s an excellent idea and I love it.

Alright. Jake asks, “Do you have a system or method to collect testimonials?” This is good. “Or does anyone in the community have a good method to develop testimonials?” I got three people that I can refer you to right now, Jake. One of them is us. And what I do is I usually get organic testimonials. I can only think of one time that I went out. As we were redoing Land Academy, the website, a year a half ago and I actually went out and I put it out there to all of our members and asked for testimonies. And I got such great stuff back. So that’s one way. But now mostly what I get is organic testimonials. And then I check with each person, “Hey, can I use this? Your part to this is great.” And then I use that. Luke Smith does a good job and I know he has testimonials on some of his things.

But my favorite is Landio. I think it’s Tory Watson’s site. But go to Landio, He’s our … And he has great testimonials that he has people complete for when they bought the property and they’ll talk about how great the property is or maybe how bright the transaction was, how easy it was. And it is an excellent way. This is one of the things that we didn’t think about back when we were doing our land selling site. We had eBay Feedback, which was great and I loved that. So anyway I would just organically collect feedback. But he goes out and asks for people to do that and I think it’s an awesome way to sell your business and brand yourself. So excellent question.

Hello, Autumn. Autumn asked, “What is your most common exit strategy for newbies if you can’t get the land sold and you can’t hold onto it either? Has this happened to you when you get started?” You know what, Autumn? I’ll tell you right now. There are two reasons why property doesn’t sell. And that’s really it. And when you sit down and think about it, you go, “Oh, yeah, that’s right.” One is you paid too much for the property. So what happens then, you’re asking too much for the property. So that’s number one. And the other reason is something’s not selling is you’re just not reaching the right people. Perfectly and it’s priced perfectly and you only have it on Craigslist, that’s your other reason. No one’s getting it. So you need to go back and look at that. You either overpaid or you’re not reaching the right people.

If you really want to get rid of something quick, there’s two ways you can do it. One is within our group. Some of our members have sold property to other members and just kinda said, “Yeah, I know I’m letting it go. I’m wholesaling it. I’m double wholesaling it. I’m wholesaling it to a wholesaler. Does anybody want this? Gosh, I need some quick cash. It’s Christmas. At least I’ll make something out of it.” You could do that. The other thing is you could do a quick eBay sale. To get your best money on eBay and I’m gonna do a whole show on this next year in 2019 as we roll into that, I will do a whole eBay show about marketing, and selling, and 30 day $1 auction. No reserves, closing on a Sunday at dinner time, and how powerful that is. That just gives you a lot right there. But I’ll go into great detail with that for you too.

Alright. Let’s see. Alright I’m looking to see here. Make sure I didn’t miss any questions. So feel free. As you can see, just type them into the comments. Anything you want to ask and anything about property or investing. I’m happy to answer it. I hope this was a beneficial show today and I imagine a lot of people are like … They’re probably like, “Just hurry up and tell me how I can win.” I’d like to have a few more questions before I dive into that. So I’m gonna hang in there. I hope you guys are having … Oh, you know what? I have a lot of members here, I can tell, that are watching. One of our active and current members. So if you want to share with me anything that you have going on, any great transactions. I have to share with you, this week is week two. If you haven’t caught it yet, we’ve changed our podcast up a little bit. And on Friday, we now call it Finance Friday. And it’s Steven … A, it’s a day off for me. But B, it’s somebody else to listen to. And it’s really cool. It’s our member, Justin Sliva and Steven Butala. And they are talking about deals that are being completed in our community. Financed from our community. So it’s Finance Friday and it’s really great to listen to. Okay, I got some more here.

Well, thank you. Thank you very much for sharing these numbers. This is always good to hear. Our group numbers. This is amazing. Here’s how much data that we downloaded as a group. 967,483 lines of ownership data. That was scrubbed down to 115,011 offers mailed. And 283 properties purchased. So what does that average out to? $2.83 million and I have to tell you, we usually guess low because there’s a lot of things that aren’t reported to us that the data gets pulled, offers go out, and then we don’t often hear them because they’re sold off people’s buyers lists so they don’t hit my radar. So they’re not necessarily posted on Land Pin where I can track them. So just so you know, that’s just a snapshot of what our November looked like. And right now, going into December, I am blown away with the high volume of data being download and the offers being sent out. And I cannot wait to see what the December results are gonna be. Awesome.

Thank you, Jake. He said, “I like y’all’s relationship oh podcasts.” We kinda did a whole week on relationships and different kinds of business relationships, still kinda all business relationships, but with partners. Steven and I partners versus I partner up with somebody else and do a deal partner, other people in Land Academy, creating partnerships. So we talked about all kinds of good stuff on our show here. So great.

Hi, Doug. So Doug asks, “In Chapter two, Jack refers to Data Tree, why? To find the number of SFRs for the red, yellow, green test.” Yup. “We don’t have Data tree and I’ve having trouble gaining that information from TitlePro or Real Quest. I hope this question isn’t wrong for this venue.” You’re so sweet. It’s a little hard for me to answer right here without showing you, but you can get that in Real Quest. And you can get it for free. You’re not downloading their records. So you know how you go … I’m gonna share every … I’m gonna answer your question here, Doug and I want everybody else to hear this too because this is the stuff that we talk about. So when you’re into Real Quest and you’re doing your download, so the same thing that you’re doing your red, yellow, green like a zip code, you can put a zip code in because you’re probably doing info lots. That’s why we’re doing it. You can put in a zip code in Real Quest Pro and you can put in the size, whatever zillion parameters. Whatever information you have. And when you get to the page where it tells you how many records there are before you download, there’s your snapshot of what you’re trying to get. So that’s a number that you can plug in.

We actually covered that in one of our live events because it came up how do I do this in Real Quest. And we can … Please ask that again if that doesn’t answer that or you have more questions about it, on our member call tomorrow afternoon at three o’clock, please ask that and I’ll have Steven there and he can show you too. So excellent question.

Hello, Teddy. Teddy asked, “How can I figure out which property to post on which social media outlets? If I missed this.” Excellent question. Every property, every social media. If you’re doing it, and here’s one of the beautiful things. We set up Land Pin this way by design. I don’t know of any other land selling website that does this. But on our land selling website, Land Pin, when you put in your … When you create your account, you can link it to your Facebook, and your Twitter, and I think there’s one other. I can’t remember. It might be Google. But you could link up those accounts automatically. And then once your property’s done and posted or you could just … Even at any random time, you can go in and click on your property, and click, and it’ll share it to Facebook automatically and share it. And then if you want … So it shares it to your page, whether it’s your personal page, or your business page. However you have it set up in Facebook for your properties. Then from there, you could post it out to different groups and do it from there.

So let me give you an example. Say you have a great property that it’s in Oklahoma on a lake and gosh, the Oklahoma fishing community need to know about this. If every fisherman in Oklahoma saw this, it would sell in five minutes. Okay, so what you do is post it in Land Pin, share it to your probably your business page. Then from there, just search fort those groups. The Oklahoma Fishermen groups, USA Fishermen, Fishermen on Facebook. Whatever it is. Tulsa Fishermen. And just share that property, that for sale process in those groups. And you can do this in 15 minutes. It’s very easy to do. And that’s how you get it out in front of them. And then what you’ll do is it’ll drive them back to your site so they can see more details of property. And if they love it, check out and buy it. Excellent question.

Oh, thank you. Thank you, Land Academy for joining in here. And this is Steven right here, I can tell, asking these questions. So he’s sharing in that both Real Quest and TitlePro have easy ways to get the SFR counts per zip codes. That’s all you’re gonna do. And Erin’s gonna help you to send … Erin will help you there too.

Oh, alright. Alright, Jake. Thank you. That’s cute. Put a little note in there. We were having a discussion on one of our relationships. If you haven’t listened to our podcast, it’s kinda fun. And that’s a beautiful example of Steven and I getting silly on our podcast. So we often go into … It’s business related. We answer good questions, we talk about property and share a lot of information. But you know what? We’re here to have fun too. So we often will get into little side tangents like we did that day. And I think it was discussing Steven taking off different layers as we’re going through our shows. And that was really funny. So that’s good. And you can hear our podcast on iTunes. Or and you can watch it if you want on YouTube. We do it there too. And it’s released Monday through Friday. Five days a week, we do a show every day. And they’re released about three o’clock. So check them out.

So, I have a message that was forwarded to me from a Micheal. It says, “Jill, any major issues when trying to flip land while living out of the United States? Your help is appreciated.” No. And thank you for bringing that up now. Umar and Micheal. And that was one of the things about this show and last week’s show. I’m trying to show you how you could do this a couple hours on a weekend while having a full-time job. And I never had you go stand on the property. Everything that you’re doing is in your home office on a Sunday afternoon because you might be overseas. You might be in the military overseas. You might be a professor teaching a semester abroad. I don’t know. You could live abroad. We have a lot of international customers that live in other countries who are citizens of other countries buying and selling land in the United States. So excellent question. You do not have to be a citizen of the United States to own property in the United States. Excellent.

Oh, I like this. Skylar. Hi, Jill. What can I do to prepare for the next year? Excellent, excellent question. And you know what? My partner in crime, Steven, is gonna love my answer on this because this is how Steven rolls. You’re gonna create some systems. That’s the best thing you can do is make things easier on yourself, create systems, create checklists, create spreadsheets, and follow your steps, and hold yourself accountable. Use your calendar, schedule things out. Now the Jill part to me is make it reasonable. If you know you could do something in … I know I can get that done next weekend but I’m not sure I might stick to it, alright, give yourself two weekends or give yourself 10 days to complete a task. I’m okay with that. That’s the Jill part of this. The inspiration of this. He’s information, I’m inspiration. And as you know, I Jill-ify things a bit. So give yourself realistic goals but then you better stick to those realistic goals. So excellent question, Skylar. That’s what I want you to do.

I guess we’re having a little … Should I re-send this to support? Yeah, that’s great. You guys are … Good thing my team’s on here. My team’s answering questions and helping out, guys. So this is great.

For call backs, oh, thank you. Teddy asks, “For call backs, do you suggest an answering service or me personally answering the phone? Don’t like dealing with too many people at one time haha thank you again.” So you know what? If you can afford it right away, I would just set up PATLive. I would do a service like that. That’s what we do. And as a member, Land Academy members, everyone gets 20 off. It’s the max I could get from them off their service. So I would set that up. Especially as you get going. If you can’t afford it in the beginning, I really want you to try to answer your phone. It’s not as effective having a voicemail in Google voice and texting. Some of these sellers are old school and I don’t want you to miss those calls and miss those opportunities to buy those properties. So I would do that. And then as soon as you can afford it, especially as your volume’s ramping up, I don’t want you spending a lot of time on the phone. I only want you talking to the people that want to sell. So I want you to set up PATLive, they’ll answer the calls for you. They’ll weed out the ones that are interested so you only call back the ones that are interested. That’s the best use of your time.

Christopher Wolfe says, “Hi, Jill. Love the show. Do you have any information about House Academy? Release date, price, et cetera. As a beginner, should I get into Land Academy first?” This is an excellent question. Okay, so here is what’s happening. And I will give you all the information that we have decided so far. House Academy is coming March first. I do not have a price yet. Can you start flipping houses by jumping into Land Academy with version 1.0 and 2.0? The answer is yes. We have a number of members that started with Land Academy 1.0. started figuring it out and asking the right questions on our calls and our shows. And piecing together House Academy on their own. And that are doing it successfully. Then we handed them 2.0 and that gave them even more information how to make it even better. So right now, House Academy. I know the eBook is almost done. Steven should have that by the end of the year. So you’ll have that. But we’re gonna launch it March first in a big, big way. House Academy.

Here’s the thing. You don’t have to wait. And I always take care of my people first. So everybody who’s been with us for a while knows that whenever I come up with something new, I always give it to my people first. I give it to them at a way different rate. And it’s always … They get first dibs. And so we might pre-release because we’ve done this in the past. I might pre-release House Academy to our current members and then roll in the general public. So that’s usually how it goes. So if you wan to wait and just dive into that, that’s not a bad plan. But gosh, if you’re ready to go and you want to start learning a lot now, it would probably be good to jump in now because by the time you have House Academy, you’ll already have the foundation of the mail, and the data, and the way we look at things. And then this last piece, we’ll just put it all together for you. So excellent question.

I have a long success story that’s been shared on our website. So I’m gonna take a moment. This is going to … Instead of … I’m gonna see if I can put it up here and I’ll read it. It’s gonna cover me for just a second here. But this is good to share. And I think I’m gonna do … I’m gonna wrap up with the success story and then I’m going to give you the details on how you can win a free program because that’s the big thing for today. Alright. So here is the story. Bear with me a second.

It’s been a few months since I started following the program and finished my first deal. So I sent out 1000 unit mailer and got one person that wanted to sell. Only one person because I messed up on the mailer. Bear with me one second. It’s kinda hard to see on my screen a little bit here. Because I messed up on the price. The deal was for $1200 for a five acre property in San Bernardino county. I bought it and sold it for, shucks, I can’t see how much. But I sold it immediately. So I want to say it’s $3000 immediately. I made mistakes in almost every step of the deal. Mistakes with my mailer, made mistakes my offer price. So I got yelled at quite a bit. Had awkward phone calls. Got the deed wrong. Screwed up recording the property with the county. Spent way too much time with bad deals. So I learned a ton. I love it. I think my learning curve was this big because I knew nothing about real estate until very recently. Because of that, it took a bit more time than I expected. But I got it done and my next deal would be so much easier and faster.

The thing that I surprisingly love was working with data. I think it’s hilarious because I never thought I’d be the kind of person who would enjoy handling data. This is fun. I am really looking forward to my progress from now on. Thanks, Steve and Jill.

Thank you for sharing that. I love that. And we always try to prepare you for this happening. You will make some mistakes. You made them all on the first one so I kinda like that’s even better. You got them really all out of the way on one deal. And it sounds like you still made some money so that’s great. Mistakes are gonna happen. Big deal, you move on. You learn. And that’s what this is all about. And we’re here to save you. And I love that you’re getting into data because that’s what this is all about. So excellent. Thank you for sharing.

Alright. I am going to right now dive in and show you on the screen my big announcement here. Bear with me. It is … This is good.

Alright. So here it is. You [inaudible 00:37:51] .. One free … I’m giving away a free Land Academy 1.0 and 2.0 plus first months membership included for free. And here is how you do it. You need to … So in this show, episode nine, I want you to tag three friends in the comments section. Typing in your questions, tag three friends. And how you do it, you put at, not me. But you can put at Jill DeWit, at Steve Butala. Whoever you want to tag. And then I want you to type in, I want to join Land Academy. And then after that, all you need to do is send me an email with your Facebook username so I can go back and put the two together and send it to And that is it. The deadline to do this is noon pacific time next Tuesday. So that’s December 18th. By the way, in case you were curious, next Tuesday, December 18th happens to be Steven’s birthday. So if anyone wants to give him a shout out on social media, Tuesday is the day to do that. That is his birthday.

Then on the next day, Wednesday the 19th will be show number 10. So that will be the last show for me this year. Show 10. And I am going to have a … I’m not only gonna announce the winner of the free program on the show, I’m going to have a special episode featuring Land Academy member Joe Martin who is going to share with us his experiences and about a life changing event that happened to him this month. So big show. You’re not gonna want to miss it.

I’m gonna show this again in case you missed it real quick here. Here’s what you do for the drawing. Okay, so you want to … In this episode, episode nine, in the comments area, tag three friends and type in I want to join Land Academy. And send an email with your Facebook username to And then you will be automatically entered into the drawing. And that’s gonna happen throughout this weekend. So you have lots of time to do this. Well, don’t wait. You want to get in there. You don’t want to forget. But spread the word. How about that? If you know anybody that’s interested, you think they might be interested, spread the word. Tell them to watch the show, get in the drawing. You never know who’s gonna win. I’ll announce it next week. A week from today. That’ll be show 10 with the Jill Martin.

Jill DeWit:            Hello and welcome. This is episode nine. I am so excited and happy to be here. This show is all about getting started in real estate by flipping the easiest type of property, land. And today, I’m gonna talk about how to complete your first deal in 45 days. And this is part two of two. I am extra excited for today because if you hang on to the very end, I have a special announcement of I’m gonna give away a whole program, Land Academy 1.0 and 2.0 for free. And I’ve never done this before, by the way. So this is a big deal. So hang on to the end and I will tell you all the details and how you can enter. It’s gonna be a drawing and it’s gonna be easy. And I’m very excited.

I am Jill DeWit, co founder of Land Academy. And together with my partner, Steven Jack Butala, we have completed close to 16,000 transactions. We all know that there’s money to be made in real estate. And most people are doing it wrong. And that is why I created this weekly live show. So every Wednesday at two o’clock pacific time, I am here to help you connect the dots and get started flipping land so you can move on to bigger transactions and other types of real estate.

Today is all about getting your first deal done in 45 days. So after I cover the steps, I’m gonna open this up to your questions. So feel free to start loading them into the common area at any time. I’ll circle back around and I’ll answer them.

One of the advantages of being a land and property investor is not only being able to buy property from anywhere, be anywhere, but I get to make my own schedule. So that means that myself, and you, one person … You could do this with a full-time career and still enjoy family time. And that’s how most of us got started. So what this show is, is part two of two explaining how you can do this in a realistic timeline if you really only have, I don’t know, three or four hours on a weekend. So if you didn’t watch last week, you want to go back and catch that one.

I covered weeks one, two, and three. And here’s what they are. Week one, all you have to do is sit down, and focus, and thinking about picking a county to send offers. And I went into more detail on that last week so you can go back and listen there. And then in our program we go into great detail about really what we look for to pick a good county. Week two, you should just be spending a couple hours on a weekend downloading and scrubbing data and then getting it sent to a printer for mailing. That’s it. And then week three is calls are coming back. You’re getting offers returned. Week three is about reviewing those returned offers and returning phone calls. So now, starting right here, we’re on week four. And what’s week four? Purchase the properties. So by now, you’ve done your due diligence. That was week three and you isolated the best properties to purchase. So that means that you not only picked out the properties that had all the four A’s so you know that they have access, acreage, affordability, and some special attribute. Those are our four A’s. But they also meet whatever your specific buying criteria is. And you also confirmed that all the parties are available and ready to sell. Basically, I say, AKA, they’re alive and ready to sign. So now is the time to buy.

So here you are, week four. Well, how do you do this? There’s two ways you’re gonna do this. You can either do a self-close, or we call it a notary close. Or the second way is you can do a traditional escrow close. So let me give you a little more explanation on the two different ones.

To self-close, what you’re gonna do is you’re going to arrange a notary that’s local to your seller to handle the signing and the delivery of the payment. You’re gonna use the vesting deed, which is the most recent deed that you would’ve downloaded online or maybe you got it from the seller, you would use the vesting deed to recreate your own new deed. And you’re gonna overnight that along with the cashier’s check to the notary. And they’re gonna complete the deed and hand in the payment at the time of signing. Of course, there’s all kinds of other forms of payment and more ways you can do this. But I’m just kinda talk about it in its simplest, easiest form for what we’re doing right now.

One good tip I want to always remember and make sure you know is once that deed is signed, you own the property. It’s important to know that because you could start marketing it and selling it right away. So usually when I’m doing this notary close, I would have the notary take a photograph of it for me and text it to me. And I see it, I know it’s coming to me. In the mail. I’m watching the tracking. And man, I could post that thing for sale right now. Because I technically own it. It doesn’t have to be recorded, just once it’s signed and notarized. So then the last piece of course is the notary completes that and they send it right back to you and then you send it for the county for recording. So that’s basically the steps of doing a self-close or a notary close.

So now the other type is just kind of doing a traditional escrow close. So what do you do that? First, call around for the best price. Let them know that you’re an investor. Let them know you’re gonna be doing multiple transactions like this. Make sure you tell the escrow representative this is all cash … and no inspections, and not contingencies. This is the easiest type of close to complete. They love it. You love it. They’re doing the work for you. And it usually takes days instead of weeks to do this type of a close.

So that’s it. So that was your week four. You spent a four hours buying a property and by the end of that, now you own it. So now we’re going into week five. Alright. Week five, what’s that all about? That is to market, to sell your property all over the internet. Because remember I mentioned, once the deed’s signed, you, the grantee, you now own the asset. So where do you want to market and sell your property? Well, the easiest way, of course, that’s online. What you wanna do is you want to start with one great posting to showcase your property and you want to copy that posting everywhere. So I’m gonna show you real quick here what your posting should include.

So your posting should include photos. And I don’t want just three photos of the area. I want some good photos. If you can get someone on that property and spend $50 get them to go out there, that’s what you want to do. And give them a list of shoot it north, shoot it south, shoot it east, shoot it west. I don’t want snow on the ground. I want blue sky with puffy white clouds. I want really quality photos. That’s what you’re aiming for here. I want maps, I want GPS coordinates, I want a video. And if it’s a quality property or a high dollar property, pay the extra … make sure he can do drone shots and get him to do a drone shot of your property. It’s worth the money. If you’re selling a $15,000 property, having a drone shot and awesome photos is gonna make a huge difference.

A description of the property with details about the access. Utilities, if any. And if you don’t know or if there are not property utilities there, note that. Say they need to be sought by another solution kind of thing. Don’t say at lot line if it really isn’t the lot line. You want to include the price. That’s important to have in there. And you want to include tax information. Tell not only if the taxes are current. Put that in there. Also give them an idea how much the annual taxes are so they know when they’re buying the property what to expect.

So basically you want to include everything that you Know about the property, a description of the area, why it’s a great opportunity, and extra information that you think they might need to know about the property and/or you. So if you want to see some great examples, go to the land pin, That is our Land Academy member selling site. We do have others on there, but it’s primarily our members posting property. And when you post property there, there’s a checklist. You kind of fill in all the blanks and it makes sure you don’t forget any of the details when you’re selling it.

So now you know what to put in your property posting. This is week five. Now you’re thinking about where all should I market my property? Well, let me show you, I have a list for you.

Here are all the places that you should be posting your for sale property.

First of all, your personal buyer’s list. It’s gonna start out small. But hang in there. After long you’re gonna have a really good A list of buyers and I usually blast that out to my buyers first. They kinda get first dibs. And I literally send them a spreadsheet with state, county APN, and my price. And they will immediately email me back and say, “I want numbers, one, two, six, and 10. And let’s do the same drill.” And I say, “Okay, got it.” And we have it down to a system. They just wire the money. I know how they like the deed prepared every time. And that’s how we do it.

So that’s one, the second, your website. The third place, social media. And I mean all over social media. We have a lot of members that are successful in places that you wouldn’t think about. Instagram, one. Facebook for sure. Instagram, there’s all kinds of things. Twitter, I mean I post a property for sale on Twitter. Why not? Get the word out there., still a great place to sell property. I wouldn’t want to put all my eggs in one basket, but this should be one of the places you post property. LandAndFarm, LandWatch, Craigslist, MLS, Zillow, Trulia, Realtor. Now most of these, too, I use a … I use … When I post things on MLS, I have a broker that I go through. And the feed, most of when you post something on MLS, most of them will be automatically fed up to many of these sites. You don’t have to think about it. And Bid4Assets. That’s not a crazy place to be posting property for sale. And you want to make a system. Don’t get picky and think this property’s perfect for Craigslist, this property’s perfect for eBay. That slows you down and keeps you from selling property quick. You just put it in the system and every property, your postings, follow that template. And every single property is posted all those 10 places. That’s how you sell it fast.

So this is the goal for this week now. This was week five. Your goal was just to spend a couple hours on the weekend creating that fantastic posting and putting it, copying it on all those places all over the internet. Your goal is to concentrate on driving traffic to your website where your customers can easily review the property and pay right online. That’s the goal. The right customer will do their homework, they will check out with a credit card, and leave it. And you will just wake up in the morning and see you have a completed sale. Nothing’s better than that.

So now, we are on week six. So week six of the whole thing here is sold. Sold the property. Thank the buyer and deposit the money. Hopefully you have it set up. If you’re new you may not have it set up yet. You can have them wire you money. Have them, gosh, send you a cashier’s check and just say, “Hey, I’ll pull the property down once it clears.” Whatever you arrange to do. And that’s the greatest thing on the planet. I want to say too it’s important not to get hung up on any details that are gonna keep you from buying or selling a property. Your website doesn’t have to be perfect and you don’t have to have an LLC this early in the process. It might be easiest, we tell a lot of our members, “Hey, just start out putting property in your name as you get going.” It’s okay to buy it and sell it in your name. And then get some payments coming in. And while you’re learning and building the business, and creating income, and make sure this is something you want to do. And then later on, you can invest in those things as you really take a step and grow your business. So that was it.

So this week was just spend a couple hours getting your payment in and processed. And getting your deed prepared and mailed to your buyer with information on how to transfer the property. And then the last thing you do on week six is celebrate. So now you have a simple timeline. One completed transaction. As you could see, I just went all through. A couple hours on a Sunday afternoon, still plenty of time to watch football and get this going. And hopefully you doubled your investment. So what do you next? Repeat. And if you can do one, you can do 10. And if you can do 10, you can do 100.

Thank you. I’m gonna open up now. I’m gonna still stick to my normal show. I’m gonna give some time to Q and A Time. Answer any questions you have about this, or getting started in land investing, or Land Academy. Dream it up. And then in a few minutes, I’m going to give an announcement about how you can win Land Academy 1.0 and 2.0 for free. So let me jump over here. I see questions loaded up so I am uber excited. Thank you very much. Alright.

Hi, Doug. Thank you very much. Doug says, “Hello, Jill. Happy to see you.” Hi, Doug, I’m happy to see you too. Teddy, nice to see you. Thank you. Alright. Let’s see. Alright. I have a question here from Jake. Hi, Jake. What do you think about a drive through video? I think this is a fantastic idea already. From a four wheeler using either GoPro cam or a 360 degree camera for the buyer to get the lay of the land? Jake, I can’t think of anything better. How cool would that be? Just to … For your … I mean, that’s probably the next thing. A drone, you’re coming in from the aerial and all that. But being there on the ground and kinda feeling it like almost getting to … So close to the trees you can almost smell them. And you see the dust rising up as you’re driving through your property. And you’re just … Talk about selling it to that person. I think that’s an excellent idea and I love it.

Alright. Jake asks, “Do you have a system or method to collect testimonials?” This is good. “Or does anyone in the community have a good method to develop testimonials?” I got three people that I can refer you to right now, Jake. One of them is us. And what I do is I usually get organic testimonials. I can only think of one time that I went out. As we were redoing Land Academy, the website, a year a half ago and I actually went out and I put it out there to all of our members and asked for testimonies. And I got such great stuff back. So that’s one way. But now mostly what I get is organic testimonials. And then I check with each person, “Hey, can I use this? Your part to this is great.” And then I use that. Luke Smith does a good job and I know he has testimonials on some of his things.

But my favorite is Landio. I think it’s Tory Watson’s site. But go to Landio, He’s our … And he has great testimonials that he has people complete for when they bought the property and they’ll talk about how great the property is or maybe how bright the transaction was, how easy it was. And it is an excellent way. This is one of the things that we didn’t think about back when we were doing our land selling site. We had eBay Feedback, which was great and I loved that. So anyway I would just organically collect feedback. But he goes out and asks for people to do that and I think it’s an awesome way to sell your business and brand yourself. So excellent question.

Hello, Autumn. Autumn asked, “What is your most common exit strategy for newbies if you can’t get the land sold and you can’t hold onto it either? Has this happened to you when you get started?” You know what, Autumn? I’ll tell you right now. There are two reasons why property doesn’t sell. And that’s really it. And when you sit down and think about it, you go, “Oh, yeah, that’s right.” One is you paid too much for the property. So what happens then, you’re asking too much for the property. So that’s number one. And the other reason is something’s not selling is you’re just not reaching the right people. Perfectly and it’s priced perfectly and you only have it on Craigslist, that’s your other reason. No one’s getting it. So you need to go back and look at that. You either overpaid or you’re not reaching the right people.

If you really want to get rid of something quick, there’s two ways you can do it. One is within our group. Some of our members have sold property to other members and just kinda said, “Yeah, I know I’m letting it go. I’m wholesaling it. I’m double wholesaling it. I’m wholesaling it to a wholesaler. Does anybody want this? Gosh, I need some quick cash. It’s Christmas. At least I’ll make something out of it.” You could do that. The other thing is you could do a quick eBay sale. To get your best money on eBay and I’m gonna do a whole show on this next year in 2019 as we roll into that, I will do a whole eBay show about marketing, and selling, and 30 day $1 auction. No reserves, closing on a Sunday at dinner time, and how powerful that is. That just gives you a lot right there. But I’ll go into great detail with that for you too.

Alright. Let’s see. Alright I’m looking to see here. Make sure I didn’t miss any questions. So feel free. As you can see, just type them into the comments. Anything you want to ask and anything about property or investing. I’m happy to answer it. I hope this was a beneficial show today and I imagine a lot of people are like … They’re probably like, “Just hurry up and tell me how I can win.” I’d like to have a few more questions before I dive into that. So I’m gonna hang in there. I hope you guys are having … Oh, you know what? I have a lot of members here, I can tell, that are watching. One of our active and current members. So if you want to share with me anything that you have going on, any great transactions. I have to share with you, this week is week two. If you haven’t caught it yet, we’ve changed our podcast up a little bit. And on Friday, we now call it Finance Friday. And it’s Steven … A, it’s a day off for me. But B, it’s somebody else to listen to. And it’s really cool. It’s our member, Justin Sliva and Steven Butala. And they are talking about deals that are being completed in our community. Financed from our community. So it’s Finance Friday and it’s really great to listen to. Okay, I got some more here.

Well, thank you. Thank you very much for sharing these numbers. This is always good to hear. Our group numbers. This is amazing. Here’s how much data that we downloaded as a group. 967,483 lines of ownership data. That was scrubbed down to 115,011 offers mailed. And 283 properties purchased. So what does that average out to? $2.83 million and I have to tell you, we usually guess low because there’s a lot of things that aren’t reported to us that the data gets pulled, offers go out, and then we don’t often hear them because they’re sold off people’s buyers lists so they don’t hit my radar. So they’re not necessarily posted on Land Pin where I can track them. So just so you know, that’s just a snapshot of what our November looked like. And right now, going into December, I am blown away with the high volume of data being download and the offers being sent out. And I cannot wait to see what the December results are gonna be. Awesome.

Thank you, Jake. He said, “I like y’all’s relationship oh podcasts.” We kinda did a whole week on relationships and different kinds of business relationships, still kinda all business relationships, but with partners. Steven and I partners versus I partner up with somebody else and do a deal partner, other people in Land Academy, creating partnerships. So we talked about all kinds of good stuff on our show here. So great.

Hi, Doug. So Doug asks, “In Chapter two, Jack refers to Data Tree, why? To find the number of SFRs for the red, yellow, green test.” Yup. “We don’t have Data tree and I’ve having trouble gaining that information from TitlePro or Real Quest. I hope this question isn’t wrong for this venue.” You’re so sweet. It’s a little hard for me to answer right here without showing you, but you can get that in Real Quest. And you can get it for free. You’re not downloading their records. So you know how you go … I’m gonna share every … I’m gonna answer your question here, Doug and I want everybody else to hear this too because this is the stuff that we talk about. So when you’re into Real Quest and you’re doing your download, so the same thing that you’re doing your red, yellow, green like a zip code, you can put a zip code in because you’re probably doing info lots. That’s why we’re doing it. You can put in a zip code in Real Quest Pro and you can put in the size, whatever zillion parameters. Whatever information you have. And when you get to the page where it tells you how many records there are before you download, there’s your snapshot of what you’re trying to get. So that’s a number that you can plug in.

We actually covered that in one of our live events because it came up how do I do this in Real Quest. And we can … Please ask that again if that doesn’t answer that or you have more questions about it, on our member call tomorrow afternoon at three o’clock, please ask that and I’ll have Steven there and he can show you too. So excellent question.

Hello, Teddy. Teddy asked, “How can I figure out which property to post on which social media outlets? If I missed this.” Excellent question. Every property, every social media. If you’re doing it, and here’s one of the beautiful things. We set up Land Pin this way by design. I don’t know of any other land selling website that does this. But on our land selling website, Land Pin, when you put in your … When you create your account, you can link it to your Facebook, and your Twitter, and I think there’s one other. I can’t remember. It might be Google. But you could link up those accounts automatically. And then once your property’s done and posted or you could just … Even at any random time, you can go in and click on your property, and click, and it’ll share it to Facebook automatically and share it. And then if you want … So it shares it to your page, whether it’s your personal page, or your business page. However you have it set up in Facebook for your properties. Then from there, you could post it out to different groups and do it from there.

So let me give you an example. Say you have a great property that it’s in Oklahoma on a lake and gosh, the Oklahoma fishing community need to know about this. If every fisherman in Oklahoma saw this, it would sell in five minutes. Okay, so what you do is post it in Land Pin, share it to your probably your business page. Then from there, just search fort those groups. The Oklahoma Fishermen groups, USA Fishermen, Fishermen on Facebook. Whatever it is. Tulsa Fishermen. And just share that property, that for sale process in those groups. And you can do this in 15 minutes. It’s very easy to do. And that’s how you get it out in front of them. And then what you’ll do is it’ll drive them back to your site so they can see more details of property. And if they love it, check out and buy it. Excellent question.

Oh, thank you. Thank you, Land Academy for joining in here. And this is Steven right here, I can tell, asking these questions. So he’s sharing in that both Real Quest and TitlePro have easy ways to get the SFR counts per zip codes. That’s all you’re gonna do. And Erin’s gonna help you to send … Erin will help you there too.

Oh, alright. Alright, Jake. Thank you. That’s cute. Put a little note in there. We were having a discussion on one of our relationships. If you haven’t listened to our podcast, it’s kinda fun. And that’s a beautiful example of Steven and I getting silly on our podcast. So we often go into … It’s business related. We answer good questions, we talk about property and share a lot of information. But you know what? We’re here to have fun too. So we often will get into little side tangents like we did that day. And I think it was discussing Steven taking off different layers as we’re going through our shows. And that was really funny. So that’s good. And you can hear our podcast on iTunes. Or and you can watch it if you want on YouTube. We do it there too. And it’s released Monday through Friday. Five days a week, we do a show every day. And they’re released about three o’clock. So check them out.

So, I have a message that was forwarded to me from a Micheal. It says, “Jill, any major issues when trying to flip land while living out of the United States? Your help is appreciated.” No. And thank you for bringing that up now. Umar and Micheal. And that was one of the things about this show and last week’s show. I’m trying to show you how you could do this a couple hours on a weekend while having a full-time job. And I never had you go stand on the property. Everything that you’re doing is in your home office on a Sunday afternoon because you might be overseas. You might be in the military overseas. You might be a professor teaching a semester abroad. I don’t know. You could live abroad. We have a lot of international customers that live in other countries who are citizens of other countries buying and selling land in the United States. So excellent question. You do not have to be a citizen of the United States to own property in the United States. Excellent.

Oh, I like this. Skylar. Hi, Jill. What can I do to prepare for the next year? Excellent, excellent question. And you know what? My partner in crime, Steven, is gonna love my answer on this because this is how Steven rolls. You’re gonna create some systems. That’s the best thing you can do is make things easier on yourself, create systems, create checklists, create spreadsheets, and follow your steps, and hold yourself accountable. Use your calendar, schedule things out. Now the Jill part to me is make it reasonable. If you know you could do something in … I know I can get that done next weekend but I’m not sure I might stick to it, alright, give yourself two weekends or give yourself 10 days to complete a task. I’m okay with that. That’s the Jill part of this. The inspiration of this. He’s information, I’m inspiration. And as you know, I Jill-ify things a bit. So give yourself realistic goals but then you better stick to those realistic goals. So excellent question, Skylar. That’s what I want you to do.

I guess we’re having a little … Should I re-send this to support? Yeah, that’s great. You guys are … Good thing my team’s on here. My team’s answering questions and helping out, guys. So this is great.

For call backs, oh, thank you. Teddy asks, “For call backs, do you suggest an answering service or me personally answering the phone? Don’t like dealing with too many people at one time haha thank you again.” So you know what? If you can afford it right away, I would just set up PATLive. I would do a service like that. That’s what we do. And as a member, Land Academy members, everyone gets 20 off. It’s the max I could get from them off their service. So I would set that up. Especially as you get going. If you can’t afford it in the beginning, I really want you to try to answer your phone. It’s not as effective having a voicemail in Google voice and texting. Some of these sellers are old school and I don’t want you to miss those calls and miss those opportunities to buy those properties. So I would do that. And then as soon as you can afford it, especially as your volume’s ramping up, I don’t want you spending a lot of time on the phone. I only want you talking to the people that want to sell. So I want you to set up PATLive, they’ll answer the calls for you. They’ll weed out the ones that are interested so you only call back the ones that are interested. That’s the best use of your time.

Christopher Wolfe says, “Hi, Jill. Love the show. Do you have any information about House Academy? Release date, price, et cetera. As a beginner, should I get into Land Academy first?” This is an excellent question. Okay, so here is what’s happening. And I will give you all the information that we have decided so far. House Academy is coming March first. I do not have a price yet. Can you start flipping houses by jumping into Land Academy with version 1.0 and 2.0? The answer is yes. We have a number of members that started with Land Academy 1.0. started figuring it out and asking the right questions on our calls and our shows. And piecing together House Academy on their own. And that are doing it successfully. Then we handed them 2.0 and that gave them even more information how to make it even better. So right now, House Academy. I know the eBook is almost done. Steven should have that by the end of the year. So you’ll have that. But we’re gonna launch it March first in a big, big way. House Academy.

Here’s the thing. You don’t have to wait. And I always take care of my people first. So everybody who’s been with us for a while knows that whenever I come up with something new, I always give it to my people first. I give it to them at a way different rate. And it’s always … They get first dibs. And so we might pre-release because we’ve done this in the past. I might pre-release House Academy to our current members and then roll in the general public. So that’s usually how it goes. So if you wan to wait and just dive into that, that’s not a bad plan. But gosh, if you’re ready to go and you want to start learning a lot now, it would probably be good to jump in now because by the time you have House Academy, you’ll already have the foundation of the mail, and the data, and the way we look at things. And then this last piece, we’ll just put it all together for you. So excellent question.

I have a long success story that’s been shared on our website. So I’m gonna take a moment. This is going to … Instead of … I’m gonna see if I can put it up here and I’ll read it. It’s gonna cover me for just a second here. But this is good to share. And I think I’m gonna do … I’m gonna wrap up with the success story and then I’m going to give you the details on how you can win a free program because that’s the big thing for today. Alright. So here is the story. Bear with me a second.

It’s been a few months since I started following the program and finished my first deal. So I sent out 1000 unit mailer and got one person that wanted to sell. Only one person because I messed up on the mailer. Bear with me one second. It’s kinda hard to see on my screen a little bit here. Because I messed up on the price. The deal was for $1200 for a five acre property in San Bernardino county. I bought it and sold it for, shucks, I can’t see how much. But I sold it immediately. So I want to say it’s $3000 immediately. I made mistakes in almost every step of the deal. Mistakes with my mailer, made mistakes my offer price. So I got yelled at quite a bit. Had awkward phone calls. Got the deed wrong. Screwed up recording the property with the county. Spent way too much time with bad deals. So I learned a ton. I love it. I think my learning curve was this big because I knew nothing about real estate until very recently. Because of that, it took a bit more time than I expected. But I got it done and my next deal would be so much easier and faster.

The thing that I surprisingly love was working with data. I think it’s hilarious because I never thought I’d be the kind of person who would enjoy handling data. This is fun. I am really looking forward to my progress from now on. Thanks, Steve and Jill.

Thank you for sharing that. I love that. And we always try to prepare you for this happening. You will make some mistakes. You made them all on the first one so I kinda like that’s even better. You got them really all out of the way on one deal. And it sounds like you still made some money so that’s great. Mistakes are gonna happen. Big deal, you move on. You learn. And that’s what this is all about. And we’re here to save you. And I love that you’re getting into data because that’s what this is all about. So excellent. Thank you for sharing.

Alright. I am going to right now dive in and show you on the screen my big announcement here. Bear with me. It is … This is good.

Alright. So here it is. You [inaudible 00:37:51] .. One free … I’m giving away a free Land Academy 1.0 and 2.0 plus first months membership included for free. And here is how you do it. You need to … So in this show, episode nine, I want you to tag three friends in the comments section. Typing in your questions, tag three friends. And how you do it, you put at, not me. But you can put at Jill DeWit, at Steve Butala. Whoever you want to tag. And then I want you to type in, I want to join Land Academy. And then after that, all you need to do is send me an email with your Facebook username so I can go back and put the two together and send it to And that is it. The deadline to do this is noon pacific time next Tuesday. So that’s December 18th. By the way, in case you were curious, next Tuesday, December 18th happens to be Steven’s birthday. So if anyone wants to give him a shout out on social media, Tuesday is the day to do that. That is his birthday.

Then on the next day, Wednesday the 19th will be show number 10. So that will be the last show for me this year. Show 10. And I am going to have a … I’m not only gonna announce the winner of the free program on the show, I’m going to have a special episode featuring Land Academy member Joe Martin who is going to share with us his experiences and about a life changing event that happened to him this month. So big show. You’re not gonna want to miss it.

I’m gonna show this again in case you missed it real quick here. Here’s what you do for the drawing. Okay, so you want to … In this episode, episode nine, in the comments area, tag three friends and type in I want to join Land Academy. And send an email with your Facebook username to And then you will be automatically entered into the drawing. And that’s gonna happen throughout this weekend. So you have lots of time to do this. Well, don’t wait. You want to get in there. You don’t want to forget. But spread the word. How about that? If you know anybody that’s interested, you think they might be interested, spread the word. Tell them to watch the show, get in the drawing. You never know who’s gonna win. I’ll announce it next week. A week from today. That’ll be show 10 with the Jill Martin.


Jill DeWit:            Hello and welcome. This is episode nine. I am so excited and happy to be here. This show is all about getting started in real estate by flipping the easiest type of property, land. And today, I’m gonna talk about how to complete your first deal in 45 days. And this is part two of two. I am extra excited for today because if you hang on to the very end, I have a special announcement of I’m gonna give away a whole program, Land Academy 1.0 and 2.0 for free. And I’ve never done this before, by the way. So this is a big deal. So hang on to the end and I will tell you all the details and how you can enter. It’s gonna be a drawing and it’s gonna be easy. And I’m very excited.

I am Jill DeWit, co founder of Land Academy. And together with my partner, Steven Jack Butala, we have completed close to 16,000 transactions. We all know that there’s money to be made in real estate. And most people are doing it wrong. And that is why I created this weekly live show. So every Wednesday at two o’clock pacific time, I am here to help you connect the dots and get started flipping land so you can move on to bigger transactions and other types of real estate.

Today is all about getting your first deal done in 45 days. So after I cover the steps, I’m gonna open this up to your questions. So feel free to start loading them into the common area at any time. I’ll circle back around and I’ll answer them.

One of the advantages of being a land and property investor is not only being able to buy property from anywhere, be anywhere, but I get to make my own schedule. So that means that myself, and you, one person … You could do this with a full-time career and still enjoy family time. And that’s how most of us got started. So what this show is, is part two of two explaining how you can do this in a realistic timeline if you really only have, I don’t know, three or four hours on a weekend. So if you didn’t watch last week, you want to go back and catch that one.

I covered weeks one, two, and three. And here’s what they are. Week one, all you have to do is sit down, and focus, and thinking about picking a county to send offers. And I went into more detail on that last week so you can go back and listen there. And then in our program we go into great detail about really what we look for to pick a good county. Week two, you should just be spending a couple hours on a weekend downloading and scrubbing data and then getting it sent to a printer for mailing. That’s it. And then week three is calls are coming back. You’re getting offers returned. Week three is about reviewing those returned offers and returning phone calls. So now, starting right here, we’re on week four. And what’s week four? Purchase the properties. So by now, you’ve done your due diligence. That was week three and you isolated the best properties to purchase. So that means that you not only picked out the properties that had all the four A’s so you know that they have access, acreage, affordability, and some special attribute. Those are our four A’s. But they also meet whatever your specific buying criteria is. And you also confirmed that all the parties are available and ready to sell. Basically, I say, AKA, they’re alive and ready to sign. So now is the time to buy.

So here you are, week four. Well, how do you do this? There’s two ways you’re gonna do this. You can either do a self-close, or we call it a notary close. Or the second way is you can do a traditional escrow close. So let me give you a little more explanation on the two different ones.

To self-close, what you’re gonna do is you’re going to arrange a notary that’s local to your seller to handle the signing and the delivery of the payment. You’re gonna use the vesting deed, which is the most recent deed that you would’ve downloaded online or maybe you got it from the seller, you would use the vesting deed to recreate your own new deed. And you’re gonna overnight that along with the cashier’s check to the notary. And they’re gonna complete the deed and hand in the payment at the time of signing. Of course, there’s all kinds of other forms of payment and more ways you can do this. But I’m just kinda talk about it in its simplest, easiest form for what we’re doing right now.

One good tip I want to always remember and make sure you know is once that deed is signed, you own the property. It’s important to know that because you could start marketing it and selling it right away. So usually when I’m doing this notary close, I would have the notary take a photograph of it for me and text it to me. And I see it, I know it’s coming to me. In the mail. I’m watching the tracking. And man, I could post that thing for sale right now. Because I technically own it. It doesn’t have to be recorded, just once it’s signed and notarized. So then the last piece of course is the notary completes that and they send it right back to you and then you send it for the county for recording. So that’s basically the steps of doing a self-close or a notary close.

So now the other type is just kind of doing a traditional escrow close. So what do you do that? First, call around for the best price. Let them know that you’re an investor. Let them know you’re gonna be doing multiple transactions like this. Make sure you tell the escrow representative this is all cash … and no inspections, and not contingencies. This is the easiest type of close to complete. They love it. You love it. They’re doing the work for you. And it usually takes days instead of weeks to do this type of a close.

So that’s it. So that was your week four. You spent a four hours buying a property and by the end of that, now you own it. So now we’re going into week five. Alright. Week five, what’s that all about? That is to market, to sell your property all over the internet. Because remember I mentioned, once the deed’s signed, you, the grantee, you now own the asset. So where do you want to market and sell your property? Well, the easiest way, of course, that’s online. What you wanna do is you want to start with one great posting to showcase your property and you want to copy that posting everywhere. So I’m gonna show you real quick here what your posting should include.

So your posting should include photos. And I don’t want just three photos of the area. I want some good photos. If you can get someone on that property and spend $50 get them to go out there, that’s what you want to do. And give them a list of shoot it north, shoot it south, shoot it east, shoot it west. I don’t want snow on the ground. I want blue sky with puffy white clouds. I want really quality photos. That’s what you’re aiming for here. I want maps, I want GPS coordinates, I want a video. And if it’s a quality property or a high dollar property, pay the extra … make sure he can do drone shots and get him to do a drone shot of your property. It’s worth the money. If you’re selling a $15,000 property, having a drone shot and awesome photos is gonna make a huge difference.

A description of the property with details about the access. Utilities, if any. And if you don’t know or if there are not property utilities there, note that. Say they need to be sought by another solution kind of thing. Don’t say at lot line if it really isn’t the lot line. You want to include the price. That’s important to have in there. And you want to include tax information. Tell not only if the taxes are current. Put that in there. Also give them an idea how much the annual taxes are so they know when they’re buying the property what to expect.

So basically you want to include everything that you Know about the property, a description of the area, why it’s a great opportunity, and extra information that you think they might need to know about the property and/or you. So if you want to see some great examples, go to the land pin, That is our Land Academy member selling site. We do have others on there, but it’s primarily our members posting property. And when you post property there, there’s a checklist. You kind of fill in all the blanks and it makes sure you don’t forget any of the details when you’re selling it.

So now you know what to put in your property posting. This is week five. Now you’re thinking about where all should I market my property? Well, let me show you, I have a list for you.

Here are all the places that you should be posting your for sale property.

First of all, your personal buyer’s list. It’s gonna start out small. But hang in there. After long you’re gonna have a really good A list of buyers and I usually blast that out to my buyers first. They kinda get first dibs. And I literally send them a spreadsheet with state, county APN, and my price. And they will immediately email me back and say, “I want numbers, one, two, six, and 10. And let’s do the same drill.” And I say, “Okay, got it.” And we have it down to a system. They just wire the money. I know how they like the deed prepared every time. And that’s how we do it.

So that’s one, the second, your website. The third place, social media. And I mean all over social media. We have a lot of members that are successful in places that you wouldn’t think about. Instagram, one. Facebook for sure. Instagram, there’s all kinds of things. Twitter, I mean I post a property for sale on Twitter. Why not? Get the word out there., still a great place to sell property. I wouldn’t want to put all my eggs in one basket, but this should be one of the places you post property. LandAndFarm, LandWatch, Craigslist, MLS, Zillow, Trulia, Realtor. Now most of these, too, I use a … I use … When I post things on MLS, I have a broker that I go through. And the feed, most of when you post something on MLS, most of them will be automatically fed up to many of these sites. You don’t have to think about it. And Bid4Assets. That’s not a crazy place to be posting property for sale. And you want to make a system. Don’t get picky and think this property’s perfect for Craigslist, this property’s perfect for eBay. That slows you down and keeps you from selling property quick. You just put it in the system and every property, your postings, follow that template. And every single property is posted all those 10 places. That’s how you sell it fast.

So this is the goal for this week now. This was week five. Your goal was just to spend a couple hours on the weekend creating that fantastic posting and putting it, copying it on all those places all over the internet. Your goal is to concentrate on driving traffic to your website where your customers can easily review the property and pay right online. That’s the goal. The right customer will do their homework, they will check out with a credit card, and leave it. And you will just wake up in the morning and see you have a completed sale. Nothing’s better than that.

So now, we are on week six. So week six of the whole thing here is sold. Sold the property. Thank the buyer and deposit the money. Hopefully you have it set up. If you’re new you may not have it set up yet. You can have them wire you money. Have them, gosh, send you a cashier’s check and just say, “Hey, I’ll pull the property down once it clears.” Whatever you arrange to do. And that’s the greatest thing on the planet. I want to say too it’s important not to get hung up on any details that are gonna keep you from buying or selling a property. Your website doesn’t have to be perfect and you don’t have to have an LLC this early in the process. It might be easiest, we tell a lot of our members, “Hey, just start out putting property in your name as you get going.” It’s okay to buy it and sell it in your name. And then get some payments coming in. And while you’re learning and building the business, and creating income, and make sure this is something you want to do. And then later on, you can invest in those things as you really take a step and grow your business. So that was it.

So this week was just spend a couple hours getting your payment in and processed. And getting your deed prepared and mailed to your buyer with information on how to transfer the property. And then the last thing you do on week six is celebrate. So now you have a simple timeline. One completed transaction. As you could see, I just went all through. A couple hours on a Sunday afternoon, still plenty of time to watch football and get this going. And hopefully you doubled your investment. So what do you next? Repeat. And if you can do one, you can do 10. And if you can do 10, you can do 100.

Thank you. I’m gonna open up now. I’m gonna still stick to my normal show. I’m gonna give some time to Q and A Time. Answer any questions you have about this, or getting started in land investing, or Land Academy. Dream it up. And then in a few minutes, I’m going to give an announcement about how you can win Land Academy 1.0 and 2.0 for free. So let me jump over here. I see questions loaded up so I am uber excited. Thank you very much. Alright.

Hi, Doug. Thank you very much. Doug says, “Hello, Jill. Happy to see you.” Hi, Doug, I’m happy to see you too. Teddy, nice to see you. Thank you. Alright. Let’s see. Alright. I have a question here from Jake. Hi, Jake. What do you think about a drive through video? I think this is a fantastic idea already. From a four wheeler using either GoPro cam or a 360 degree camera for the buyer to get the lay of the land? Jake, I can’t think of anything better. How cool would that be? Just to … For your … I mean, that’s probably the next thing. A drone, you’re coming in from the aerial and all that. But being there on the ground and kinda feeling it like almost getting to … So close to the trees you can almost smell them. And you see the dust rising up as you’re driving through your property. And you’re just … Talk about selling it to that person. I think that’s an excellent idea and I love it.

Alright. Jake asks, “Do you have a system or method to collect testimonials?” This is good. “Or does anyone in the community have a good method to develop testimonials?” I got three people that I can refer you to right now, Jake. One of them is us. And what I do is I usually get organic testimonials. I can only think of one time that I went out. As we were redoing Land Academy, the website, a year a half ago and I actually went out and I put it out there to all of our members and asked for testimonies. And I got such great stuff back. So that’s one way. But now mostly what I get is organic testimonials. And then I check with each person, “Hey, can I use this? Your part to this is great.” And then I use that. Luke Smith does a good job and I know he has testimonials on some of his things.

But my favorite is Landio. I think it’s Tory Watson’s site. But go to Landio, He’s our … And he has great testimonials that he has people complete for when they bought the property and they’ll talk about how great the property is or maybe how bright the transaction was, how easy it was. And it is an excellent way. This is one of the things that we didn’t think about back when we were doing our land selling site. We had eBay Feedback, which was great and I loved that. So anyway I would just organically collect feedback. But he goes out and asks for people to do that and I think it’s an awesome way to sell your business and brand yourself. So excellent question.

Hello, Autumn. Autumn asked, “What is your most common exit strategy for newbies if you can’t get the land sold and you can’t hold onto it either? Has this happened to you when you get started?” You know what, Autumn? I’ll tell you right now. There are two reasons why property doesn’t sell. And that’s really it. And when you sit down and think about it, you go, “Oh, yeah, that’s right.” One is you paid too much for the property. So what happens then, you’re asking too much for the property. So that’s number one. And the other reason is something’s not selling is you’re just not reaching the right people. Perfectly and it’s priced perfectly and you only have it on Craigslist, that’s your other reason. No one’s getting it. So you need to go back and look at that. You either overpaid or you’re not reaching the right people.

If you really want to get rid of something quick, there’s two ways you can do it. One is within our group. Some of our members have sold property to other members and just kinda said, “Yeah, I know I’m letting it go. I’m wholesaling it. I’m double wholesaling it. I’m wholesaling it to a wholesaler. Does anybody want this? Gosh, I need some quick cash. It’s Christmas. At least I’ll make something out of it.” You could do that. The other thing is you could do a quick eBay sale. To get your best money on eBay and I’m gonna do a whole show on this next year in 2019 as we roll into that, I will do a whole eBay show about marketing, and selling, and 30 day $1 auction. No reserves, closing on a Sunday at dinner time, and how powerful that is. That just gives you a lot right there. But I’ll go into great detail with that for you too.

Alright. Let’s see. Alright I’m looking to see here. Make sure I didn’t miss any questions. So feel free. As you can see, just type them into the comments. Anything you want to ask and anything about property or investing. I’m happy to answer it. I hope this was a beneficial show today and I imagine a lot of people are like … They’re probably like, “Just hurry up and tell me how I can win.” I’d like to have a few more questions before I dive into that. So I’m gonna hang in there. I hope you guys are having … Oh, you know what? I have a lot of members here, I can tell, that are watching. One of our active and current members. So if you want to share with me anything that you have going on, any great transactions. I have to share with you, this week is week two. If you haven’t caught it yet, we’ve changed our podcast up a little bit. And on Friday, we now call it Finance Friday. And it’s Steven … A, it’s a day off for me. But B, it’s somebody else to listen to. And it’s really cool. It’s our member, Justin Sliva and Steven Butala. And they are talking about deals that are being completed in our community. Financed from our community. So it’s Finance Friday and it’s really great to listen to. Okay, I got some more here.

Well, thank you. Thank you very much for sharing these numbers. This is always good to hear. Our group numbers. This is amazing. Here’s how much data that we downloaded as a group. 967,483 lines of ownership data. That was scrubbed down to 115,011 offers mailed. And 283 properties purchased. So what does that average out to? $2.83 million and I have to tell you, we usually guess low because there’s a lot of things that aren’t reported to us that the data gets pulled, offers go out, and then we don’t often hear them because they’re sold off people’s buyers lists so they don’t hit my radar. So they’re not necessarily posted on Land Pin where I can track them. So just so you know, that’s just a snapshot of what our November looked like. And right now, going into December, I am blown away with the high volume of data being download and the offers being sent out. And I cannot wait to see what the December results are gonna be. Awesome.

Thank you, Jake. He said, “I like y’all’s relationship oh podcasts.” We kinda did a whole week on relationships and different kinds of business relationships, still kinda all business relationships, but with partners. Steven and I partners versus I partner up with somebody else and do a deal partner, other people in Land Academy, creating partnerships. So we talked about all kinds of good stuff on our show here. So great.

Hi, Doug. So Doug asks, “In Chapter two, Jack refers to Data Tree, why? To find the number of SFRs for the red, yellow, green test.” Yup. “We don’t have Data tree and I’ve having trouble gaining that information from TitlePro or Real Quest. I hope this question isn’t wrong for this venue.” You’re so sweet. It’s a little hard for me to answer right here without showing you, but you can get that in Real Quest. And you can get it for free. You’re not downloading their records. So you know how you go … I’m gonna share every … I’m gonna answer your question here, Doug and I want everybody else to hear this too because this is the stuff that we talk about. So when you’re into Real Quest and you’re doing your download, so the same thing that you’re doing your red, yellow, green like a zip code, you can put a zip code in because you’re probably doing info lots. That’s why we’re doing it. You can put in a zip code in Real Quest Pro and you can put in the size, whatever zillion parameters. Whatever information you have. And when you get to the page where it tells you how many records there are before you download, there’s your snapshot of what you’re trying to get. So that’s a number that you can plug in.

We actually covered that in one of our live events because it came up how do I do this in Real Quest. And we can … Please ask that again if that doesn’t answer that or you have more questions about it, on our member call tomorrow afternoon at three o’clock, please ask that and I’ll have Steven there and he can show you too. So excellent question.

Hello, Teddy. Teddy asked, “How can I figure out which property to post on which social media outlets? If I missed this.” Excellent question. Every property, every social media. If you’re doing it, and here’s one of the beautiful things. We set up Land Pin this way by design. I don’t know of any other land selling website that does this. But on our land selling website, Land Pin, when you put in your … When you create your account, you can link it to your Facebook, and your Twitter, and I think there’s one other. I can’t remember. It might be Google. But you could link up those accounts automatically. And then once your property’s done and posted or you could just … Even at any random time, you can go in and click on your property, and click, and it’ll share it to Facebook automatically and share it. And then if you want … So it shares it to your page, whether it’s your personal page, or your business page. However you have it set up in Facebook for your properties. Then from there, you could post it out to different groups and do it from there.

So let me give you an example. Say you have a great property that it’s in Oklahoma on a lake and gosh, the Oklahoma fishing community need to know about this. If every fisherman in Oklahoma saw this, it would sell in five minutes. Okay, so what you do is post it in Land Pin, share it to your probably your business page. Then from there, just search fort those groups. The Oklahoma Fishermen groups, USA Fishermen, Fishermen on Facebook. Whatever it is. Tulsa Fishermen. And just share that property, that for sale process in those groups. And you can do this in 15 minutes. It’s very easy to do. And that’s how you get it out in front of them. And then what you’ll do is it’ll drive them back to your site so they can see more details of property. And if they love it, check out and buy it. Excellent question.

Oh, thank you. Thank you, Land Academy for joining in here. And this is Steven right here, I can tell, asking these questions. So he’s sharing in that both Real Quest and TitlePro have easy ways to get the SFR counts per zip codes. That’s all you’re gonna do. And Erin’s gonna help you to send … Erin will help you there too.

Oh, alright. Alright, Jake. Thank you. That’s cute. Put a little note in there. We were having a discussion on one of our relationships. If you haven’t listened to our podcast, it’s kinda fun. And that’s a beautiful example of Steven and I getting silly on our podcast. So we often go into … It’s business related. We answer good questions, we talk about property and share a lot of information. But you know what? We’re here to have fun too. So we often will get into little side tangents like we did that day. And I think it was discussing Steven taking off different layers as we’re going through our shows. And that was really funny. So that’s good. And you can hear our podcast on iTunes. Or and you can watch it if you want on YouTube. We do it there too. And it’s released Monday through Friday. Five days a week, we do a show every day. And they’re released about three o’clock. So check them out.

So, I have a message that was forwarded to me from a Micheal. It says, “Jill, any major issues when trying to flip land while living out of the United States? Your help is appreciated.” No. And thank you for bringing that up now. Umar and Micheal. And that was one of the things about this show and last week’s show. I’m trying to show you how you could do this a couple hours on a weekend while having a full-time job. And I never had you go stand on the property. Everything that you’re doing is in your home office on a Sunday afternoon because you might be overseas. You might be in the military overseas. You might be a professor teaching a semester abroad. I don’t know. You could live abroad. We have a lot of international customers that live in other countries who are citizens of other countries buying and selling land in the United States. So excellent question. You do not have to be a citizen of the United States to own property in the United States. Excellent.

Oh, I like this. Skylar. Hi, Jill. What can I do to prepare for the next year? Excellent, excellent question. And you know what? My partner in crime, Steven, is gonna love my answer on this because this is how Steven rolls. You’re gonna create some systems. That’s the best thing you can do is make things easier on yourself, create systems, create checklists, create spreadsheets, and follow your steps, and hold yourself accountable. Use your calendar, schedule things out. Now the Jill part to me is make it reasonable. If you know you could do something in … I know I can get that done next weekend but I’m not sure I might stick to it, alright, give yourself two weekends or give yourself 10 days to complete a task. I’m okay with that. That’s the Jill part of this. The inspiration of this. He’s information, I’m inspiration. And as you know, I Jill-ify things a bit. So give yourself realistic goals but then you better stick to those realistic goals. So excellent question, Skylar. That’s what I want you to do.

I guess we’re having a little … Should I re-send this to support? Yeah, that’s great. You guys are … Good thing my team’s on here. My team’s answering questions and helping out, guys. So this is great.

For call backs, oh, thank you. Teddy asks, “For call backs, do you suggest an answering service or me personally answering the phone? Don’t like dealing with too many people at one time haha thank you again.” So you know what? If you can afford it right away, I would just set up PATLive. I would do a service like that. That’s what we do. And as a member, Land Academy members, everyone gets 20 off. It’s the max I could get from them off their service. So I would set that up. Especially as you get going. If you can’t afford it in the beginning, I really want you to try to answer your phone. It’s not as effective having a voicemail in Google voice and texting. Some of these sellers are old school and I don’t want you to miss those calls and miss those opportunities to buy those properties. So I would do that. And then as soon as you can afford it, especially as your volume’s ramping up, I don’t want you spending a lot of time on the phone. I only want you talking to the people that want to sell. So I want you to set up PATLive, they’ll answer the calls for you. They’ll weed out the ones that are interested so you only call back the ones that are interested. That’s the best use of your time.

Christopher Wolfe says, “Hi, Jill. Love the show. Do you have any information about House Academy? Release date, price, et cetera. As a beginner, should I get into Land Academy first?” This is an excellent question. Okay, so here is what’s happening. And I will give you all the information that we have decided so far. House Academy is coming March first. I do not have a price yet. Can you start flipping houses by jumping into Land Academy with version 1.0 and 2.0? The answer is yes. We have a number of members that started with Land Academy 1.0. started figuring it out and asking the right questions on our calls and our shows. And piecing together House Academy on their own. And that are doing it successfully. Then we handed them 2.0 and that gave them even more information how to make it even better. So right now, House Academy. I know the eBook is almost done. Steven should have that by the end of the year. So you’ll have that. But we’re gonna launch it March first in a big, big way. House Academy.

Here’s the thing. You don’t have to wait. And I always take care of my people first. So everybody who’s been with us for a while knows that whenever I come up with something new, I always give it to my people first. I give it to them at a way different rate. And it’s always … They get first dibs. And so we might pre-release because we’ve done this in the past. I might pre-release House Academy to our current members and then roll in the general public. So that’s usually how it goes. So if you wan to wait and just dive into that, that’s not a bad plan. But gosh, if you’re ready to go and you want to start learning a lot now, it would probably be good to jump in now because by the time you have House Academy, you’ll already have the foundation of the mail, and the data, and the way we look at things. And then this last piece, we’ll just put it all together for you. So excellent question.

I have a long success story that’s been shared on our website. So I’m gonna take a moment. This is going to … Instead of … I’m gonna see if I can put it up here and I’ll read it. It’s gonna cover me for just a second here. But this is good to share. And I think I’m gonna do … I’m gonna wrap up with the success story and then I’m going to give you the details on how you can win a free program because that’s the big thing for today. Alright. So here is the story. Bear with me a second.

It’s been a few months since I started following the program and finished my first deal. So I sent out 1000 unit mailer and got one person that wanted to sell. Only one person because I messed up on the mailer. Bear with me one second. It’s kinda hard to see on my screen a little bit here. Because I messed up on the price. The deal was for $1200 for a five acre property in San Bernardino county. I bought it and sold it for, shucks, I can’t see how much. But I sold it immediately. So I want to say it’s $3000 immediately. I made mistakes in almost every step of the deal. Mistakes with my mailer, made mistakes my offer price. So I got yelled at quite a bit. Had awkward phone calls. Got the deed wrong. Screwed up recording the property with the county. Spent way too much time with bad deals. So I learned a ton. I love it. I think my learning curve was this big because I knew nothing about real estate until very recently. Because of that, it took a bit more time than I expected. But I got it done and my next deal would be so much easier and faster.

The thing that I surprisingly love was working with data. I think it’s hilarious because I never thought I’d be the kind of person who would enjoy handling data. This is fun. I am really looking forward to my progress from now on. Thanks, Steve and Jill.

Thank you for sharing that. I love that. And we always try to prepare you for this happening. You will make some mistakes. You made them all on the first one so I kinda like that’s even better. You got them really all out of the way on one deal. And it sounds like you still made some money so that’s great. Mistakes are gonna happen. Big deal, you move on. You learn. And that’s what this is all about. And we’re here to save you. And I love that you’re getting into data because that’s what this is all about. So excellent. Thank you for sharing.

Alright. I am going to right now dive in and show you on the screen my big announcement here. Bear with me. It is … This is good.

Alright. So here it is. You [inaudible 00:37:51] .. One free … I’m giving away a free Land Academy 1.0 and 2.0 plus first months membership included for free. And here is how you do it. You need to … So in this show, episode nine, I want you to tag three friends in the comments section. Typing in your questions, tag three friends. And how you do it, you put at, not me. But you can put at Jill DeWit, at Steve Butala. Whoever you want to tag. And then I want you to type in, I want to join Land Academy. And then after that, all you need to do is send me an email with your Facebook username so I can go back and put the two together and send it to And that is it. The deadline to do this is noon pacific time next Tuesday. So that’s December 18th. By the way, in case you were curious, next Tuesday, December 18th happens to be Steven’s birthday. So if anyone wants to give him a shout out on social media, Tuesday is the day to do that. That is his birthday.

Then on the next day, Wednesday the 19th will be show number 10. So that will be the last show for me this year. Show 10. And I am going to have a … I’m not only gonna announce the winner of the free program on the show, I’m going to have a special episode featuring Land Academy member Joe Martin who is going to share with us his experiences and about a life changing event that happened to him this month. So big show. You’re not gonna want to miss it.

I’m gonna show this again in case you missed it real quick here. Here’s what you do for the drawing. Okay, so you want to … In this episode, episode nine, in the comments area, tag three friends and type in I want to join Land Academy. And send an email with your Facebook username to And then you will be automatically entered into the drawing. And that’s gonna happen throughout this weekend. So you have lots of time to do this. Well, don’t wait. You want to get in there. You don’t want to forget. But spread the word. How about that? If you know anybody that’s interested, you think they might be interested, spread the word. Tell them to watch the show, get in the drawing. You never know who’s gonna win. I’ll announce it next week. A week from today. That’ll be show 10 with the Jill Martin.

Thank you for joining me today. I am Jill DeWit from Land Academy. I’m here to help you get started. That’s the hardest part.

If you enjoyed this on Facebook Live, please check out all of our latest episodes here or on Youtube. If you like it, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel. My staff and I read each and every comment, so please let us know what you would like to see in future shows.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me directly at

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I would like to think it’s entertaining and informative and in the end profitable.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes.

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No need to hire staff - we did it for you.

Land Academy PRO is the brainchild of founders Steven Jack Butala and Jill DeWit. Designed at the request of Land Academy members who are ready for a higher level, we’re excited to continue to provide the tools and support needed by professional investors.

Each level comes with a preset amount of included data, Concierge Mail service, and postage. For example, the Green level includes 6,000 units of completed-for-you mail completely out the door at no extra cost to you.

All levels include a PatLive introduction and preset script (we will set up your phone answering for you), use of Land Academy’s personal Transaction Team to manage your deal flow, an AirTable (CRM) base setup managed by our (and your!) Transaction Coordinator, personal consulting, regular office hours, and includes your Land Academy subscription cost.

If you’re making this a business, Land Academy PRO takes the work off of your plate so you can focus on the things that matter – like running your business.



per Month



per Month



per Month



per Month



per Month

Concierge Data+ (with data) Included mailers each month (data + concierge + mailer + postage). Our team will do your data for it and get it out the door.
6,000 mailers 9,000 mailers 12,000 mailers 15,000 mailers 18,000 mailers
PatLive introduction at no cost We will help you establish your first script and get PatLive set up on your behalf to answer your phones.
$500 value $500 value $500 value $500 value $500 value
Transaction Coordinator Use of our personal Transaction Coordinator team to manage your deals. Trained and ready to go!
$7,500 value $7,500 value $7,500 value $7,500 value $7,500 value
AirTable Ready-for-you CRM managed by your personal Land Academy Pro Transaction Coordinator
$100 value $100 value $100 value $100 value $100 value
Personal Consulting 1 on 1 personal consulting with our Transaction Coordinator each week.
- - $1,000 value $1,000 value $1,000 value
Regular Office Hours Regular office hours with Jack and Jill + our staff. Private for LA Pro Members Only. (Think Career Path Office Hours)
$2,500 value $2,500 value $2,500 value $2,500 value $2,500 value
ParcelFact ParcelFact is included in your LA Pro membership with unlimited pulls.
$150 value $150 value $150 value $150 value $150 value
FREE Career Path Access
$23,000 value $23,000 value $23,000 value $23,000 value $23,000 value
Land Academy No more separate charges - Land Academy is included with LA Pro Membership. This includes all education, tools, support, and future releases.
$300 value $300 value $300 value $300 value $300 value
Subtotal: $8,550 value $8,550 value $9,550 value $12,050 value $12,050 value
Mail Value: $7,500 value $11,250 value $15,000 value $18,750 value $22,500 value
Total Value: $39,050 $42,800 $47,550 $53,800 $57,550
Apply Now Apply Now Apply Now Apply Now Apply Now



per Month

Concierge Data+ (with data) Included mailers each month (data + concierge + mailer + postage). Our team will do your data for it and get it out the door.
6,000 mailers
PatLive introduction at no cost We will help you establish your first script and get PatLive set up on your behalf to answer your phones.
$500 value
Transaction Coordinator Use of our personal Transaction Coordinator team to manage your deals. Trained and ready to go!
$7,500 value
AirTable Ready-for-you CRM managed by your personal Land Academy Pro Transaction Coordinator
$100 value
Personal Consulting 1 on 1 personal consulting with our Transaction Coordinator each week.
Regular Office Hours Regular office hours with Jack and Jill + our staff. Private for LA Pro Members Only. (Think Career Path Office Hours)
$2,500 value
ParcelFact ParcelFact is included in your LA Pro membership with unlimited pulls.
$150 value
FREE Career Path Access
$23,000 value
Land Academy No more separate charges - Land Academy is included with LA Pro Membership. This includes all education, tools, support, and future releases.
$300 value
Subtotal: $8,550 value
Mail Value: $7,500 value
Total Value: $39,050
Apply Now



per Month

Concierge Data+ (with data) Included mailers each month (data + concierge + mailer + postage). Our team will do your data for it and get it out the door.
9,000 mailers
PatLive introduction at no cost We will help you establish your first script and get PatLive set up on your behalf to answer your phones.
$500 value
Transaction Coordinator Use of our personal Transaction Coordinator team to manage your deals. Trained and ready to go!
$7,500 value
AirTable Ready-for-you CRM managed by your personal Land Academy Pro Transaction Coordinator
$100 value
Personal Consulting 1 on 1 personal consulting with our Transaction Coordinator each week.
Regular Office Hours Regular office hours with Jack and Jill + our staff. Private for LA Pro Members Only. (Think Career Path Office Hours)
$2,500 value
ParcelFact ParcelFact is included in your LA Pro membership with unlimited pulls.
$150 value
FREE Career Path Access
$23,000 value
Land Academy No more separate charges - Land Academy is included with LA Pro Membership. This includes all education, tools, support, and future releases.
$300 value
Subtotal: $8,550 value
Mail Value: $11,250 value
Total Value: $42,800
Apply Now



per Month

Concierge Data+ (with data) Included mailers each month (data + concierge + mailer + postage). Our team will do your data for it and get it out the door.
12,000 mailers
PatLive introduction at no cost We will help you establish your first script and get PatLive set up on your behalf to answer your phones.
$500 value
Transaction Coordinator Use of our personal Transaction Coordinator team to manage your deals. Trained and ready to go!
$7,500 value
AirTable Ready-for-you CRM managed by your personal Land Academy Pro Transaction Coordinator
$100 value
Personal Consulting 1 on 1 personal consulting with our Transaction Coordinator each week.
$1,000 value
Regular Office Hours Regular office hours with Jack and Jill + our staff. Private for LA Pro Members Only. (Think Career Path Office Hours)
$2,500 value
ParcelFact ParcelFact is included in your LA Pro membership with unlimited pulls.
$150 value
FREE Career Path Access
$23,000 value
Land Academy No more separate charges - Land Academy is included with LA Pro Membership. This includes all education, tools, support, and future releases.
$300 value
Subtotal: $9,550 value
Mail Value: $15,000 value
Total Value: $47,550
Apply Now



per Month

Concierge Data+ (with data) Included mailers each month (data + concierge + mailer + postage). Our team will do your data for it and get it out the door.
15,000 mailers
PatLive introduction at no cost We will help you establish your first script and get PatLive set up on your behalf to answer your phones.
$500 value
Transaction Coordinator Use of our personal Transaction Coordinator team to manage your deals. Trained and ready to go!
$7,500 value
AirTable Ready-for-you CRM managed by your personal Land Academy Pro Transaction Coordinator
$100 value
Personal Consulting 1 on 1 personal consulting with our Transaction Coordinator each week.
$1,000 value
Regular Office Hours Regular office hours with Jack and Jill + our staff. Private for LA Pro Members Only. (Think Career Path Office Hours)
$2,500 value
ParcelFact ParcelFact is included in your LA Pro membership with unlimited pulls.
$150 value
FREE Career Path Access
$23,000 value
Land Academy No more separate charges - Land Academy is included with LA Pro Membership. This includes all education, tools, support, and future releases.
$300 value
Subtotal: $12,050 value
Mail Value: $18,750 value
Total Value: $53,800
Apply Now



per Month

Concierge Data+ (with data) Included mailers each month (data + concierge + mailer + postage). Our team will do your data for it and get it out the door.
18,000 mailers
PatLive introduction at no cost We will help you establish your first script and get PatLive set up on your behalf to answer your phones.
$500 value
Transaction Coordinator Use of our personal Transaction Coordinator team to manage your deals. Trained and ready to go!
$7,500 value
AirTable Ready-for-you CRM managed by your personal Land Academy Pro Transaction Coordinator
$100 value
Personal Consulting 1 on 1 personal consulting with our Transaction Coordinator each week.
$1,000 value
Regular Office Hours Regular office hours with Jack and Jill + our staff. Private for LA Pro Members Only. (Think Career Path Office Hours)
$2,500 value
ParcelFact ParcelFact is included in your LA Pro membership with unlimited pulls.
$150 value
FREE Career Path Access
$23,000 value
Land Academy No more separate charges - Land Academy is included with LA Pro Membership. This includes all education, tools, support, and future releases.
$300 value
Subtotal: $12,050 value
Mail Value: $22,500 value
Total Value: $57,550
Apply Now

Disclaimer: *We have a monthly “use it or lose it” policy with mail and data – Land Academy PRO is designed to keep you on-track and consistent.

To cancel, all packages require a 30 day notice to move you back down to regular Land Academy membership.

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