Mailing Consistency And Quantity
This is the Land Academy Show. This is episode number 2,121. Jill and I are talking about Building A Weekly Land Mailer Schedule to ensure deal flow. I’ll tell you what, this is from a presenter standpoint about the easiest topic that I have ever covered.
Is this going to be a just-do-it talk?
We spend more time answering questions and talking about how people avoid sending out a lot of mail than any other topic.
That’s true.
Why would you ever, Jack, want to avoid sending out a lot of mail because all you ever talk about is send a lot of mail out, do 10,000 units a month, because it’s expensive.
If you don’t send it, they won’t come. They won’t call. How’s that? That’s what you’ve got to do.
If you own a pizza place and you’re trying to use less ingredients and really going to cut to the ingredients that you usually put in a pizza and have to save money, what’s going to happen? If you own a convenience store and instead of being open seven days a week because it’s convenient, you want to be open three days a week.
We know some stores like that.
What’s going to happen?
In little towns, I’m like I stopped going. I think I talked about that a couple of months ago. There was a sweet little bakery that I really like in the sweet little mountain town and I gave up on them because I cannot count on their hours. They just come in.
If you cut your staff in half and you’ve got lines out the door because you own a bakery and you cut your staff in half to save some money, what’s going to happen? It’s the same thing here. For some reason, it doesn’t register with this business model for many people. You have to spend the money on mail to get the deals that make you money. All week this week, Jill and I are talking about helpful land acquisition rules we didn’t even realize that we live by. Each day on the show, we answer a question from our Land Academy member discord forum. We take a deep dive into land-related topics by popular requests.
Wes wrote, “New Year to Land Academy and I just got access to the member’s area tonight. Thank you, for your support. I’m in the San Antonio area. I got into land because one of my other businesses related to ranching and I started seeing all the land stuff for sale around me here in Texas. I figured it’s time to learn this stuff. My goal is to go through Land Academy 3.0 materials before the end of this month. Odd that the course says it’s 12 hours of material, but if you total it up to ten chapters, it’s actually like four and a half hours.”
Hold on a second.
I didn’t know that.
Land Academy 3.0 is about five hours, but there’s a 2.0 and a 1.0. All that stuff adds up to over twelve.
Got it. I thought maybe Wes was doing double time or triple time because maybe some of the people, “It’s probably twelve hours because sometimes people go back and back.”
How do I know that?
I don’t know.
How do I know it’s twelve hours? It’s because I recorded it.
Thank you.
I processed it.
Anyway, “I hope this is any way for him and anyway for me. I hope to have this done this month and it on beyond my first mailing in February. I do think I want to partner up with someone on the funding side for my first couple of attempts.” I’m right here, Wes. “I’m in Texas like I said and there’s a lot of opportunity here. I can be boots on the ground. In some cases, if needed.” That’s cool. No real question here, just a comment, and happy to be here.
The reason I included this is because if you are thinking about joining Land Academy and Wes here has got other stuff going on. He’s going to jump into the land business because it’s related to what he’s already trying to do. He owns a company somewhere else. That makes so much sense. We see a huge success rate and people that come to us in other real estate-related businesses where the switch is already flipped in his head that this makes sense. Now it’s just all about learning how to do it the right way.
He’s driving around watching other investors make money and land in his area. He’s finally saying, “Why am I not doing that?” You are correct. Glad you are here.
Here’s an example. If you ever bought some furniture and then the person comes out with a cart in the back with a big flat box and you’ve got it. It’s going to take eight hours to build it. You didn’t know that.
I didn’t know that.
It just looked really nice in the showroom.
I truthfully didn’t know that. I’m sorry.
I have not bought into nor will I ever buy into assembling my own furniture.
That’s why you have children.
If I bought into it, I don’t have all the information. You don’t have to worry about this. He’s already bought into the fact that you can buy in salt land.
I didn’t know that. That was my bad. You guys mailed it.
Sometimes I utilize this venue, this podcast to inform Jill of stuff. Inform Jill of my feelings.
Thank you. Remember the emotional stuff yesterday? Not going to work. You’ll fail.
Our topic building a weekly land mailer schedule to ensure deal flow, Jill. How many mailers do you have to send out a month? Once and for all.
I’d say 10,000.
When we started Land Academy ten years ago, it was ten years ago this year. It was 2,500. When I started buying and selling Land, it was about 1 in 400. Things have changed. You know what’s really changed? Our criteria. We’re not trying to make $500 on a piece of land anymore. We’re trying to make $100,000. That’s why I want you to send a ton of mail out. I don’t mean scatter it all out and do it irresponsibly. I want you to price it correctly, choose the right areas, and follow the program, the red, green, and yellow tests, and all the details that can get you a higher degree of success. I will quote again an alumni of Career Path, who recklessly sent mail.
Sometimes you’re going to send out a 500-unit mailer and get three deals. Sometimes you’re going to send out 8,000, and not get anything. That’s the truth of it. If you cannot accept that, and it is part of your thought process and mentality that you need to commit to some number of mailers responsibly sent every single month consistently, you will have an amazing amount of success. You’ll have the level of success that Jill and I have.
Adjusting Strategy And Scaling
It’s the same as any business. You’re going to have ad campaigns. What if I owned the convenience store like you just said or maybe the pizza joint? Let’s just talk about the pizza joint. I’m running all these ads and specials and coupons. Some are going to take off and some are not. I don’t sit and go up. That’s it. This whole thing fails. There are other pizza joints around that are doing just fine. You need to tweak your ad campaign and tweak your marketing and whatever it is.
Maybe you’re spending things that could even be it. It’s the same here. I want to just say too, because the topic is getting on a schedule to do this, you don’t have to do it every week. You don’t have to sit down and every single week picking an area for that mailer that goes out. You could do it all together. You do it monthly. Some people can do it quarterly. You’ve done all different variations, whatever Jack’s got going on and how much the volume it is. In a perfect world, you want a space amount too. Don’t just like, let 10,000 go all at the same time.
I would do it like 2,500 a week. Be consistent. Now, if you’re really afraid of that right now, I might even say, I have to coach this too. You could do 2, 500 units every other week as you’re ramping up to see how the volume goes. I’m good with that. If you see if you can handle it or if you need Patlive to handle it. I think most of you are here because you want to be professional and make this your full-time occupation. That’s where we’re coming at it and why we’re speaking to you of the 10,000. That’s a really good number to be full-time with this. That’s all I have.
The Importance Of Failure And Success
Right in the title here, it says, ensure deal flow. I think we just did. You want to ensure that, I mean, just in general, I want to drive this point home. Ensure deal flow. You’re going to have to send a lot of mail out. The other thing that is in between the lines here is, and please understand this, the faster you fail at something, the faster you’re going to succeed. No one ever just tried something and it was an that I know of was amazing at it.
There have to be ups and downs, trials and tribulations, yin and yang, failure, success, all of it. You pick apart the parts of it that really worked well so you can move forward. A great example is, that I had a thriving land business before I met Jill and before we joined forces professionally. Did I dislike her part of the business? I hated it. I was bad at it. We had a lot of employees trying to do it and it worked very well. I kept food on the table and I was doing it from the back of a yacht, let’s put it that way. I met Jill and it was two months after that time ten.
Thank you.
She got on the phone with these people and she met them from where they’re coming, the sellers I mean, met them from where they’re coming and want to talk about increasing yield. Your land mailer schedule, the faster you start to say, “Wow.” You’re going to send a bunch of mail out and then you don’t have a choice. You’re going to get a bunch of phone calls back. You’re going to have to deal with it somehow. You cannot just go into a closet and hide.
There you go.
Join us tomorrow where we discuss How To Handle Landsellers Who Say, “I love your offer, but.” You are not alone in your real estate ambition. We are Jack and Jill, information and inspiration to buy undervalued property.