How to Get Past Analysis Paralysis in Land Investment (CLLF 0201)
How to Get Past Analysis Paralysis in Land Investment
Jack Butala: How to Get Past Analysis Paralysis in Land Investment. Every Single month we give away a property for free. It’s super simple to qualify. Two simple steps. Leave us your feedback for this podcast on iTunes and number two, get the free ebook at, you don’t even have to read it. Thanks for listening.
Jack Butala:
Jack Butala from land academy and welcome to our cash flow from land show. We show you how to buy property for half of what it’s worth and resell it the very next day. Great information and instruction from Jack, that’s me.
Jill DeWit:
And inspiration from Jill, that’s me.
Jack Butala:
In this episode, Jill and I talk about how to get past analysis paralysis in land investment. Jill deals with it every single, not herself, but she deals our members trying to get over it every single day. Great show. Before we start, Jill share some funny stuff with us. Get us started off on the right foot.
Jill DeWit:
This is funny what happened to me just the other day.
Jack Butala:
My favorite kind.
Jill DeWit:
We just hired, and I’m super excited, this rocking marketing guy to help us. He’s going to be great and help us with all kinds of media. I was holding out on my own personal Facebook page. I kind of kept it as mine. People would kind of request to be my friend and I would kind of politely not say anything, just kind of let it go. We had a talk and I said all right fine. I made my Facebook page basically public. Anybody can friend me and I’ll accept it, all that good stuff. What’s funny is I didn’t tell my friends so all of a sudden I’m putting business stuff on there and I think all our friends think we’re nuts and it’s hilarious
Jack Butala:
Oh yeah I’m sure. I know my friends think I’ve gone insane
Jill DeWit:
Wait a minute, there’s been an after thing though. What’s funny, because I kind of forgot to warn my friends, you know. It’s been all personal stuff of things I’m doing and stuff like that and different photos. Now its, there’s a lot of good stuff on there I promise, but I didn’t warn my friends and I’m sure they’re like what’s going on. Yet, however the feedback that I have received from our friends it’s so positive that they were like really watching and everything is hilarious. It was turned out really nice. I went oh no oops sorry. Some of them think like you guys are crazy, but yet they go hey but yeah that’s cool. I think it’s funny, so if anybody wants to come find me on Facebook go right ahead. I will accept your friend request now.
Jack Butala:
A long time ago I removed … All my personal stuff is completely separate because I had the same experience but it didn’t have a happy ending like yours.
Jill DeWit:
It’s probably like everything else. Things evolve and things change. For me, get over it. We joke about that. People ask one of the things you wish you had done differently over the years. We say we wish we would have jumped on the social media band wagon earlier and really paid attention.
Jack Butala:
It totally falls under there.
Jill DeWit:
That was one for me that I held off too long. I’m like you know, get over it. When I advise our people I always tell them too put it out there and make it known who you are and what you’re about and by the way don’t just say you’re a good person, be a good person and put really good content and things out there and it’s all good. It’s all going to help you.
Jack Butala:
Yeah I couldn’t agree more. You just got to get out there and you have to get out there.
Jill DeWit:
Quit hiding behind the name of your company and don’t put your dog, you know that kind of stuff.
Jack Butala:
It took me a lot of years to get past that Jill. It was one of the, it is the single biggest business mistake I ever made. Was just business as usual with a logo up there like you’re coca-cola or something like it’s 1991 or whatever. I think you just got to do it. Then you find out who your friends are anyway.
Jill DeWit:
That’s true.
Jack Butala:
Let’s take a question posted by one of our members on success plan dot com our free online community.
Jill DeWit:
This is a little long so …
Jack Butala:
Totally condense it. It’s an interesting string that I wanted to read. It’s an excerpt form success plan so here it goes. Greg G in late May posts “I got a property with a program that I purchased from land academy, put it on Craigslist, priced it around a thousand bucks but I haven’t seen any action. Here’s the posting link and it’s a Craigslist posting.” A little bit later in May somebody answers. Avery says “hey what jumps out at me is you don’t have a phone number on the ad. That could be the contributing factor” and then on and on and on.
Jill DeWit:
I love that he put in here too is there something I’m doing wrong? Is it priced too high? Is my ad poor quality? What am I missing? That was smart to share it with everybody. I love that.
Jack Butala:
He goes on. Is Craigslist the only website that you’ve posted the advertisement to, somebody else say. There’s a lot more places to do that. Nice job on the photos though. They’re very attractive. This is a perfect beginner experience for success plan, Jill. It’s exactly how it should go. Hey I put it on Craigslist, what’s wrong?
Jill DeWit:
Can you guys help me? You’re way ahead of me and I love it.
Jack Butala:
JC pipes in and says a little bit later “your first picture is of a tavern. Are you sure that this isn’t throwing people off?” Then I jump in and I say “thanks for jumping in everybody. These properties are high quality.” I bought all the properties for this promotion anyway that we gave away. It’s a great posting but it needs maps and graphics and it needs to be posted on Zillow and Trulia. Everybody’s heard it from me a million times. Then somebody else pipes in and says “keep it forever.”
Jill DeWit:
I like that.
Jack Butala:
Again, it goes on forever. In the end the original poster says “i actually have a buyer now. False alarm so to speak. They’re just about to send me a check.” It’s a great testament to if you’re in analysis paralysis. You just go out there an do it and everybody laughs, laugh at your own mistakes. At least you’re joking.
Jill DeWit:
I have question though. what are the date? Based on the dates that I can see it almost looks like panicking on day one and it’s sold on say six.
Jack Butala:
Five, six, day six exactly.
Jill DeWit:
It’s kind of funny. Its funny how people get hung up on the oh no it’s all going to be wrong. You got to wait more than twenty four hours everyone. You got to make sure everybody sees this. Give them time and then day six they’re like oh yeah I guess I was panicking. Yeah you were.
Jack Butala:
Yeah Greg our new member posted this. I’m not picking on it at all but this is an example of someone who pretty much did it all wrong and waited six days and sold it.
Jill DeWit:
I love the forgot the phone number. That’s just so funny too. It’s not even … Some of the things that I know that people weighed on it that could have been tweaked about some stuff was not probably not really the issue. It was really about if it’s priced right, like you always say Jack. Now we got to ad is it priced right? Can everybody see it oh and can everybody find you? That’s going to be out third one now we’re going to ad that. It’s a little detail but yeah if you don’t put your email or your phone number or something up there, it’s going to be hard for people to buy it. I love it. That’s great.
Jack Butala:
An easy way to pay.
Jill DeWit:
Right, oh that’s even better too.
Jack Butala:
When’s the last time you received a check for a property?
Jill DeWit:
It’s been a long time, isn’t that great?
Jack Butala:
So, he’s got somebody sending him a check.
Jill DeWit:
I like now it’s check out online.
Jack Butala:
Click here.
Jill DeWit:
You can do a credit card over the phone. We do that it’s the best ever.
Jack Butala:
If you have a question or you want to be on the show call 800-725-8816. Today’s topic is how to get past analysis paralysis in land investment. Jill, you’re a pro at answering these questions because I know people are constantly calling and saying what do I do? I’ve been researching this for two years. I can’t get past it. What do you say?
Jill DeWit:
I say you can do it. Sometimes people just need … For me it’s like they’re nervous about something. You got to figure out what it is. What is that one thing that they’re not comfortable with. Then we come up with a plan around it and then it’s okay. For some people it’s like I can’t push the button on the mailers because I’m worried that they’re priced wrong. Okay, well let’s talk about that. We go back and revisit. Did you do A B C D E and F? They say yes. I said then push the button. It’s going to be okay.
Jack Butala:
You know, Nike has a slogan. I’m not even going to say it.
Jill DeWit:
Jack Butala:
Jill DeWit:
The swoosh. The swoosh symbol.
Jack Butala:
No it’s just do it.
Jill DeWit:
I know that. I was [inaudible 00:09:02] you’re so silly.
Jack Butala:
You were piggybacking me?
Jill DeWit:
I was piggybacking on your … I know it’s the just do it but it’s the swoosh symbol on the Nike shoe. My other point is do your homework. If you’re not really comfortable run your numbers again but if you keep running them, if you run them more than three times you’re not getting anywhere. Now you’re wasting time. You really are. You’re not going to do it. You have to push yourself. My other things is please don’t expect perfection right out of the gate. You’re not going to do a hundred percent perfect every time and that’s okay. You might make a mistake and you can recover. Just make sure when they come back you buy them right and that’s how you recover if you did something wrong. What if you priced them too low or you priced them too high or something like that. You can recover so don’t be afraid of making a mistake. That’s how you learn. We all did that. Just keep on going.
Jack Butala:
Here’s what I do. Jill knows all about this but I’m going to let everyone in on a secret. When I’m in a situation like this, and it happens a lot. It happens with anything that you try new, anything. This is what I tell myself. There’s no way this is going to work. I’m sure that I left something out even though I didn’t. I’m set up to be disappointed and I’m going to fail. As soon as I fail I’m going to try it again and again and again until works. Every single time it works great on the first try. I don’t expect it to work. Once in a while it doesn’t, not every single time. You have to take it A to B to C. This guy did that. There’s a perfect example. Greg did it. He didn’t do it right and everybody helped him and he sold the property. It’s a little trick that play myself. I think Jill plays an opposite trick. I think she just puts a super happy face on and regardless of the outcome she just … The result is still the same. Even if she does fail. She gets up and does it again.
Jill DeWit:
This is why we’re good together because you look at it one way. I love it and I appreciate hoe you look at things and I know that’s truthful how you are. I look at it like for me, and everybody’s different not everybody’s like me I realize that. I look at it like well I figured that out and I’m glad I figured it out now kind of thing. If I screwed up something royally, for me I still make it a positive like well I’m not going to do that again. I learned now. What if I did ten wrong like that and like oh shoot. Now I’m really in a pickle.
Jack Butala:
You know what else really helps me too is I ask myself what do I have to lose? If there’s something like I could lose my job over this, that’s not good. I could my lose my girl over this, that’s not good. What do I have to lose when I send a bunch of mail out? A couple hundred bucks? Let’s try it man.
Jill DeWit:
When you haven’t sent any money out too by the way. You can decide at that point when you’re going to do it.
Jack Butala:
[inaudible 00:11:59] mail her two, three, four hundred bucks or some number like that. It’s just when you have nothing to lose I just think it’s why not try everything new all the time.
Jill DeWit:
Another thing that I advise is to be honest and truthful about whatever the situation is. I have a number of folks that they’ve done this, they got the mailer out there. The offers are out. Now people are calling back and they’re afraid to answer the phone. I don’t want to sound like I’m inexperienced. I don’t want to sound like I don’t know what I’m doing.
Jack Butala:
Don’t worry about that stuff.
Jill DeWit:
It’s funny I’m like that’s okay and it’s okay to say gosh you know, and to say I’m new at this too. It’s okay. My favorite is I just act like I know what I’m doing. They don’t know any different because they’re probably not talking to a lot of people.
Jack Butala:
There’s a million ways … That’s the easy thing to get over. I’m not discounting it. Some people it’s really hard, but you really there’s a million … Again, this is a little thing that I do with myself. I rehearse it several times in my head. I always try to have about six or seven or ten one liners based on the situation that diffuse the situation specifically. If somebody calls and they’re angry and they’re tricking you then jot down a little sentence that you’re going to say. My sentence for that specifically is oh my gosh I send a ton of letters out and I clearly should not have sent one to you. They zip it nine times out of ten. If they don’t zip it it’s because they’re mentally ill. Then I don’t care.
Jill DeWit:
That’s fine. Or even just the good people. Have a good script when they call back so you know what you’re asking. I share that in our stuff. Anybody can just make up your own little script like hi thank you for calling back, okay what’s the, give me the property information.
Jack Butala:
Jill’s [inaudible 00:13:42] all of our programs we, or almost all of them we include actual phone calls with Jill. They’re real phone calls with sellers to try to get … I included that in there in the end because that was a thing that I had to get over a long time ago. Even listening to you now I get good ideas about what to say.
Jill DeWit:
Thank you.
Jack Butala:
Whatever it is, you’ll get past it. The analysis paralysis piece is, by they way don’t sweat that. It’s normal. We have many many members who finally just, they get over it. A lot of it I think is because of success plan. It’s a total online support group.
Jill DeWit:
I’m going to get a little touchy feely here. I use that energy too. This anticipation that you get and this excitement and everything like that, this is good stuff. Use it.
Jack Butala:
Yeah you’re taking it seriously.
Jill DeWit:
Yeah and like all right this is okay if I’m nervous I’m sweating I’m going to answer the phone. I’m going to kill it, you know what I mean? I turn that into like a I’m going to call this guy back. I am so darn excited. He doesn’t know I’m going to buy it for X. Watch this. Then guess what? It will happen. You will do it. Use that excitement and the energy and like I said don’t be afraid. You are going to make mistakes. Recover, that’s how you do it. Recover, move on.
Jack Butala:
This is the technical two. Two minutes of property investment advice from our fifteen year, fifteen thousand deal experience. Here is my advice today. When you’re posting a property and doing the engineering on it, you’re posting it for sale on the internet, please don’t lead with a map. Lead with a big bright beautiful picture of whatever it is and get as close to the property, if you don’t hire a photographer, get as close to the property as you can so it accurately represents what the property … I’m not saying stand right in front of it or hire somebody to stand in front of it. If you’re on a super budget, especially in the beginning, you don’t want to spend a ton of money doing that but you want to accurately represent the property.
That’s exactly what happened to Greg earlier in the show. He took a stock photo or a tavern in this little town. I’m very familiar with it because I bought the properties that we gave away. Land buying people are not stupid. They know that their property’s not that tavern or it’s not a zoo that’s close by to a city that’s fifty miles away. You really want to take a big bright contrasty beautiful picture wherever you can find it without breaking any copyright rules and all that stuff. Maybe put some words or graphics on it. Really lead with a super nice picture it makes all the difference. That was about two minutes.
Jill DeWit:
That was good. It’s funny I was going to add to that. I have had people that just like we’re talking about and they tell me does that come with the property. Oh no no no, you know because they’re a few people out there that will … Jack’s right. The serious investors know this is a example of what you can do with the property. It’s like buying a staged house. You don’t assume that it’s going to come with it like that. Some people go does it come with that? I’m like no no no no no. Make it clear and truthful and honest. You’re a hundred percent right, Jack.
Jack Butala:
Anything else other than what I described is really just lazy. Then you wonder why it doesn’t sell. You got to lead with a big bright beautiful blue sky picture even if it is in Detroit Michigan where I’m from. If you have question or you want to be on the show even if you’re from Detroit call 800-725-8816. Jill inspire us.
Jill DeWit:
I saw this today. I didn’t know anyone was doing this but it’s hashtag, seriously. You’re already laughing. You haven’t even heard it. Oh my gosh.
Jack Butala:
Hashtags crack me up, anyway.
Jill DeWit:
It’s hashtag no negativity. Come on. You know what I wrote down? I put yeah you laugh but it stood out to me and apparently you’re already laughing at the hashtag thing but come on.
Jack Butala:
That’s my middle name, negativity.
Jill DeWit:
I know.
Jack Butala:
That’s why it’s so funny to you that it’s hashtag.
Jill DeWit:
Hashtag Jack no negativity. Hashtag no negativity Jack. Just kidding. That’ll be my little follow up to that.
Jack Butala:
Hash brown curmudgeon.
Jill DeWit:
Hash brown … What the heck is that?
Jack Butala:
A curmudgeon.
Jill DeWit:
A curmudgeon. That sounds like Spongebob Squarepants stuff.
Jack Butala:
Oh gee. This is what I have to deal with all the time.
Jill DeWit:
What’s curmudgeon?
Jack Butala:
A curmudgeon is somebody who’s always like angry and mopey. It’s your nemesis. It’s me.
Jill DeWit:
What’s a curmudgeon? I thought that was like a under the sea creature that goes along the bottom.
Jack Butala:
It might be but you know what princess? Don’t worry your pretty little head with these big words. I’ll handle that. You keep everybody inspired, okay?
Jill DeWit:
Hashtag no negativity. I’m going to do this all day now. I’m going to walk over every time, Jack, every time you say something and I’m going to tell our staff hey I’m going to like …
Jack Butala:
Hash brown heard it.
Jill DeWit:
I’m going to have, everybody’s going to have little three by five cards they’re going to hold them up.
Jack Butala:
Here’s the problem. Now we make so much money. This is the truth. Jill can say and do whatever she wants. She’s in charge of sales. They’ve quadrupled since she’s been around and they continue to go up. She is now the eccentric person that comes in, the hippy person, that comes in the office and says stuff like hash brown whatever. Have a good day. Have a happy day.
Jill DeWit:
I don’t do that.
Jack Butala:
There’s money falling out of my pockets. I can’t say anything anymore. It used to be I’m like oh my gosh can everyone please get back to work. It’s all profitable now so I have no control anymore.
Jill DeWit:
Thank you.
Jack Butala:
This is the greatest venting mechanism there every was, this show.
Jill DeWit:
It kind of is, yeah.
Jack Butala:
We can’t really yell at each other.
Jill DeWit:
You kind of can’t. I could bring up all kinds of stuff right now like you parked in my parking spot. Don’t do that again.
Jack Butala:
no I didn’t.
Jill DeWit:
no you didn’t, but I’m just saying. I could say that if I wanted to.
Jack Butala:
I’m totally going to park in your spot tomorrow.
Jill DeWit:
I know. Dog gone it. You know what’s funny? Everyday I come around and like please don’t be in my spot.
Jack Butala:
I’ve never parked there ever.
Jill DeWit:
I know. You did in the old one, not in the new one. You’re all good. It’s okay. I couldn’t tell if you were happy with me or maybe you’re in not a good mood or something.
Jack Butala:
Jill DeWit:
Or maybe you’re in a hurry. I don’t know because you’re never in a hurry though. I don’t know.
Jack Butala:
I don’t either.
Jill DeWit:
That’s not what this is.
Jack Butala:
What is this? Just be positive? Is that your inspiration? Be a happy person
Jill DeWit:
Hashtag to you is hash brown. This is hilarious.
Jack Butala:
I don’t know. Hash brown, hashtag.
Jill DeWit:
Hashtag no negativity. Leave it at the door. No you, no not, Jack this is not you.
Jack Butala:
We could have read that on a cereal box, man.
Jill DeWit:
Hold on a moment. This is not, it was not a direct thing for you
Jack Butala:
Have a good day.
Jill DeWit:
This is not a direct thing for you. Come one. You want to get somewhere? Do you want to get … Here’s my point. If you’re going to walk around saying the sky is falling, it probably will. You know what? You’re not going to get anywhere. No one’s going to want to do anything with you. Whatever your business is if you walk around like Eeyore, let’s be honest.
Jack Butala:
Yeah, but when the sky doesn’t fall then you’re happy.
Jill DeWit:
You know what?
Jack Butala:
I’m just teasing you, dear. I really am.
Jill DeWit:
If you want to be …
Jack Butala:
I’m just yanking your thing right now.
Jill DeWit:
Thank you.
Jack Butala:
Join us in another episode where Jack and Hill bicker a little bit, discuss how to use information, that’s me.
Jill DeWit:
And inspiration, that’s me.
Jack Butala:
To be put on a smiley face and get just about anything you want because gosh darn it you’re good enough. You’re strong enough and people love you.
Jill DeWit:
We use positive feelings and hashtags everyday to buy, and hash browns, to buy a property for half of what it’s worth and sell it immediately.
Jack Butala:
Hash brown get there first.
Jill DeWit:
You are now hash brown success pants. That is your new name, hash brown.
Jack Butala:
You know, some of the stuff that you come up with is some of the most brilliant inspirational stuff I’ve ever heard but hashtag have a good day it’s a little different.
Jill DeWit:
I didn’t say that. I didn’t say that.
Jack Butala:
I think you ran out of inspirational stuff and you just said have a good day.
Jill DeWit:
Dude, I am actually … You know what’s really funny? Is I’m sitting down. You would crack up if you saw where these things are coming from.
Jack Butala:
Show me. I mean tell me.
Jill DeWit:
I mean it is …
Jack Butala:
Where do you get this stuff?
Jill DeWit:
Some of these things are very well known, influential people in social media writing books, giving TED talks, and other things that inspire others. It’s funny, coming from me, it’s probably just the classic. If I say it, it’s stupid. If somebody else says it, it’s great.
Jack Butala:
Jill DeWit:
I don’t mean it in a bad way. But that’s kind of true. We’ve all done that. we’ve all been in close relationships with people, whether they’re business or our personal, or whatever that person has the best idea on the planet and you don’t hear them for whatever reason. You’re kind of already got a image in your head and you’re kind of you just don’t see it. Then a month later somebody else comes up with the same idea, maybe it’s your marketing guy, and then now it’s a good idea. Seriously, and you’re not alone, Jack I do it too. Come on, I know I do it too. I know that you have said a lot of time like Jill, I kind of tried to tell you that. Then I have to go you know you’re right and I didn’t hear you. Oh now I get it. Thank you.
Jack Butala:
Well said.
Jill DeWit:
Thank you.
Jack Butala:
It’s fun to laugh though. My stomach hurts, honestly.
Jill DeWit:
Good. Hash brown. Oh my gosh. If your kids heard that, thank goodness they don’t listen to the show because your coolness factor might have gone down a notch with hash brown.
Jack Butala:
Like I said, I don’t even shoot for cool anymore. I don’t wear black socks and stuff.
Jill DeWit:
You don’t shoot for cool because you aim low. Jack aims really, really low so he’s pleasantly surprised when the kids say “no you don’t have to leave me at the corner.” Oh my gosh.
Jack Butala:
They’re all past that.
Jill DeWit:
Or when I say “yeah I’ll be there in a minute.” I don’t know. That’s funny.
Jack Butala:
Jack and Jill information and inspiration. Hey, let’s go buy some property.
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