How to Get Over First Deal Jitters
By Jill DeWit
March 16, 2022
You’ve done the research, spent more than enough time on pricing and sent out mailers. You’ve probably already called the county and asked a few questions, and you know their processes and the contacts you’ll need. You couldn’t be more prepared and you’re impatiently awaiting the calls.
But, if I had to guess, I’d say your also starting to feel the “first deal jitters.”
You’re going to be fine –
I know the anxiety is growing with each day, I’ve been there, but it’s also a very exciting time in your career and I want you to soak it in. You’ve worked hard to get where you are.
If you want to wake up tomorrow and be an investor, you can. Just wake up, you’re an investor today. And if you’re a Land Academy member, you’ve got a massive following that was once sitting right where you are, and we won’t let you fail. We created Land Academy to help others succeed and we want you to win big.
If there is a mistake to be made in this business, at least one of our members has already made it. All you need to do is reach out on Discord and someone will provide expert advice.
So, how do you overcome the “first deal jitters”?
One – Just sit back. Trust that you know more about the property and the area than the seller, because likely, you do. They might have just inherited the property or maybe they’ve owned it for decades but live 3 states over. I’ve had sellers that forgot they had the property and never stepped foot on the land.
Two – Be prepared. You’ll need a checklist for when sellers call you back and, if you are a Land Academy member, I’ve already created one for you on (“Jill’s Inbound Land Seller checklist”). Print this out and always have it nearby, it’s a good idea to save this on your phone so you can refer to it while you talking to the seller. You should also map out your entire process from start to finish so you know exactly what must be done, how to do it, and when to do it – think of it as your company’s standard operating procedures (SOP) and include everything from buying to marketing, selling, and closing.
Three – Answer the phone. Go for it! After a few calls you’ll get the hang of it, and it won’t be long before you feel like a pro. With every phone call you will learn something new. If you do forget to ask the seller something, pick up the phone and call them back. It’s a learning moment and you can use this opportunity to build an even better relationship with the seller. If you continue to forget to ask the same thing, highlight it on your checklist. Tweak your process until it works well for you.
If you’re reading this and feeling a little nervous, please don’t let it hold you back. Go for it. We are here to support you and we know you can succeed. You’ll get out of this business what you put in, even with the “first deal jitters”.
– Jill